

美國華裔,好日子恐怕要到頭了! ☆來源:陌上美國

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【編者按】這個演講,可以說是美國歷史上,有關亞裔美國人在美國的發展、未來、危機和潛在希望,最接地氣,最切中要害的演講之一。發人深思,值得都聽一聽。演講人是2020年美國總統競選候選人楊安澤(Andrew Yang),其相關介紹請參看前文《正視美國面臨的巨大危機》。這是楊安澤在出席Yuan傳媒主持的“亞裔美國人政治一瞥”活動時,做的演講。


演講者:2020年總統選舉參選人,楊安澤(Andrew Yang)






I grew up in upstate New York and then went tosome of the schools that you all went to. And I never imagined I'd be runningfor president. I was certainly not some crazy kid being like I'm gonna be president one day. So if any of you are thinking that like you're more advanced than I was like I was playing video games and just doing whatever Asian kids do in upstate New York. So now that I'm running for president like I've learned more about the Asian-American place in society. And one thing that scares the heck out of me is that this country is heading towards being coming majority minority by 2045. That's twenty seven years from now. And so there's a very happy notion in some quarters that. The country will just become more tolerantas it gets more diverse. Do you just figure that math will take care of it, because if you have enough people everyone will just have to get along? Unfortunately that is not really the way things play out. If you look athistorical examples. There are very very few examples in human history of adominant racial ethnic group giving up its dominance over time that actually isnot normal. That's not normal behavior. And so if you look at what's happening right now in this country you can see an increasingly insecure white majority becoming more and more hostile. Truly. And who is going to be the boogey man of the next 10 to 20 years who's going to be the great rival to the United States in theeyes of American society. China. 




That's right. And so what do you think the attitude is going to be over time for the shrinking insecure white majority that's losing their jobs. For let's say Chinese Americans or Asian-Americans. Idon't I'm like I personally I said to a group at Harvard I think we're one generation away from falling into the same camps as the Jews who were attacked in the synagogue in Pittsburgh. Like just a couple of months ago it's likewe're probably one generation away from American shooting up a bunch of Asians saying like you know damn the Chinese because there's a giant Cold War or even more with China. That is the great danger that I fear that my children aregoing to grow up in. I have two young boys 6 and 3. They're American I'm American. And Asian-Americans historically have not been highly politically active or energized Asian-Americans vote at lower levels. They donate at lower levels. And because of this the dominant political parties do not care about Asian-Americans. They do not regard us as a very important constituency at all. They regard us as a low level A.T.M. Well they'll show up take some pictures because we love pictures. Get some money, leave and then not have to care about it for quite some time. That is our place in American politics right now. And this is partially because of where we live. Where do we live?  We live in like New York and California and places where frankly our votes are not going to tip anything. And there aren't so many of us. 




I'll tell you guys if Asian Americans all lived in Iowa. We will be a very important voting bloc indeed. You know because I'm going to Iowa next week for the seventh time because in order to become president at this stage you need to win Iowa. But everyone knows that Asian-Americans by the time you get to New York like the votes don't don't matter and we don't vote we don't participate. And there's a notion that we don't lead. You know that we're not leaders. So. That is what I've discovered over this time. Thiswas not my initial purpose in running for president but we need to change that very very quickly because if we sit back and think hey America will stay stable and organize and reward hard work and we'll make money and have a good time and not have to care about what happens outside of our doors. That attitude is going to stop working pretty quickly. Next five to 10 years unfortunately. Sowe need to start getting very very engaged and active and show the rest of thecountry that we can solve problems. We have our own vision we have our own leadership. And so some of the things that I talk about when I talk toAsian-American groups some people find the fact that I'm running for president to be you know a little bit audacious or something like out of the natural order, let's say. And part of it is that well you know I haven't been a senatoror governor. Or some other elected official. 




But I have many friends who back John Chung for governor of California. And one thing I suggest to Asian-Americans I'm going to suggest to you all tonight. If we wait for it to be our turn. It will never be our turn. There is never going to be a point when someone looks overand says Oh. It's time for that Asian-American senator or governor. To run forpresident and be president. That's not the way this works at all. Like we will never get there. The only way that we're going to actually have a seat at that leadership table or in this case on the debate stages of the Democratic primaries next May. The only way we get there is if we step up and say we havea vision for this country and it is just as powerful just as important as anyoneelse's vision. Only when we get there. Number two is that we've been gifted amassive opportunity politically in this next cycle. So I just finished saying that the parties do not care about Asian-American voters because they generally do not. But in this cycle California moved its primary vote up by a bit morethan a month. And so this time California votes fifth. The first state is Iowathe second state is New Hampshire the third state is Nevada. The fourth state is South Carolina. And in this time the fifth state is California. So you're going to have a lot of people running for president as a Democrat probably 20 to 25 including me. And it is not going to be resolved by the time they get to California. 



So this time the way Asian-Americans votemight actually determine who the present United States is. First time indecades. First time certainly I can remember. So this is an opportunity for us to stand up and say what we think actually matters this time. And the third thing and maybe the most important thing that so many of you -- how many of you are parents? I sense there is at least some parents in the room. Now that is a little uncomfortable. But how many of you have the sense that Asian-Americansare allowed to become this successful in the U.S. but we are not allowed to become this successful. At least some of you believe that. I mean there's a real message you get that that's the case. And I have been with the leaders ofthis country I've been with President Obama and President Clinton and President Bush and like you know a dozen senators and governors. And one of the things you learn when you spend time with them is that they are certainly no better than we are. I guarantee you guys that. 


That we are every bit as smart. Certainly every bit as hardworking. Every bit as innovative. Every bit as patriotic and every bit as loving as any other American. And that is what I'm going todemonstrate on the path of the presidency in 2021. Well that's when you get sworn in. You win in 2020. They get sworn in in 2021. And one joke I like totell about Asian-Americans is that we're going to make the White House the gold house. So. So thank you all very, very much we'd love to take some questions but feel really glad to be here with people who are definitely exceptionally politically engaged in this community. So thank you all very much.

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