- Ryukyu Future Forum Committee
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東亞及琉球前途國際交流論壇 ☆來源:中美論壇專刊
♦ 本文內容轉載自: 中美論壇專刊 US-China Forum (Chinese) ♦
We, Ryukyu Future Forum Committee, are very much pleased to announce that our 1st International Research-Exchange Forum on Future of East Asia and Ryukyu will be held from 2018 November 16 (Fri) to 20 (Tuesday) in Ryukyu (Okinawa).
The main purpose of this forum is to provide researchers with opportunities of meeting with each other and exchanging their proposals on future of East Asia and Ryukyu.
Based on the viewpoint that Ryukyu, unfortunately, is still colonized today, setting Ryukyu free will bring true peace and prosperity to not only Ryukyu but also East Asia and the world.
Peaceful discussion with researchers participating from all over the world may lead us to the bright future.
原文 | 中美論壇 US-China Forum (Chinese)
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九 10, 11:00 am
東亞及琉球前途國際交流論壇 ☆來源:中美論壇專刊