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在美國華人聯合會(United Chinese Americans, UCA)的倡議下,許多在美國高校和研究所工作的科學家和研究人員,尤其是UCA的成員們,開始參與主導一場為華裔科學家和國際交流學者和學生維權的民權運動。
我們堅持歡迎來自世界各地的優秀同仁,並且保障不減弱大家對研究和奉獻精神的信心。耶魯認真對待所有關於保護我們研究和學者不被IP剽竊的法律和法規。此外,我們正在與美國大學協會(Association of American Universities, AAU)的同事合作,敦促聯邦機構澄清他們對國際學術交流的擔憂。AAU鼓勵各機構遵守現有的規則,例如出口管制(保護國家利益),同時支持基礎研究方向要秉承開放學術交流的原則。
Yale’s steadfast commitment to our international students and scholars
Thursday, May 23, 2019
To the Yale Community,
In recent weeks, tensions in United States–China relations and increased scrutiny of academic exchanges have added to a sense of unease among many international students and scholars here at Yale and at universities across the country.
I write now to affirm Yale’s steadfast commitment to our international students and scholars; they are vital to the university community. Over 2,800 students from outside the United States, representing 123 countries, study at Yale. They are joined by nearly 2,700 international scholars who conduct research and teach. Faculty members from around the world create knowledge, teach and mentor students, and add immeasurably to our intellectual community. Together, these individuals make significant contributions to Yale’s research and educational endeavors. By bringing the most talented and promising students and scholars to our campus, we foster new discoveries and advance our mission of “improving the world today and for future generations.”
Our insistence on welcoming talented colleagues from around the world does not detract from our dedication to the integrity of our research. Yale takes seriously all of the legal and regulatory requirements that safeguard our research enterprise and protect our scholars from the theft of intellectual property. In addition, I am working with my presidential colleagues in the Association of American Universities (AAU) to urge federal agencies to clarify concerns they have about international academic exchanges. The AAU has encouraged agencies to use the tools already in place, such as export controls, while affirming the principle of open academic exchange for basic research.
We pair our unequivocal commitment to careful research stewardship with another: international students and scholars are welcome and respected on our campus. We appreciate the expertise, creativity, and dedication they bring to our shared pursuit of knowledge and truth, and we affirm their belonging as members of the Yale community. I remind you that international students and scholars with any questions about their visas or other matters should contact the Office of International Students and Scholars.
I will continue to advocate for government policies that support the ability of international students and scholars to study and work in the United States. Openness—a key to the extraordinary success of America’s great research universities—must remain a hallmark of Yale.
Peter Salovey
Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology
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