
琉球獨立團體參加聯合國原住民事務論壇 ☆來源:中美論壇專刊

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mtomochi 9:26 PM
For UNPFII17  (Item4, 2018/04/19 10:00-13:00)

Gusuu Yoo, Chu Wuga Nabira. Hello, sisters and brothers.

We came from Ryukyu / Okinawa that used to be an independent nation till 1879 before invasion by Japan.

Ryukyuan peoples are living not only in the Ryukyu Islands today, but also around the world.

In 2014, CCPR concluded that Japan “should … fully guarantee the rights of Ainu, Ryukyu and Okinawa communities…” (CCPR/C/JPN/CO/6, para. 26)

Also, CERD, in 2014, concluded that “the Committee regrets Japan is not recognizing the Ryukyu/Okinawa as indigenous peoples, despite recognition by UNESCO of their unique ethnicity, history, culture and traditions.

However, in 2016, Japanese government denied to recognize Ryukyuan as indigenous people. (CERD/C/JPN/CO/7-9)

So, now, let me explain three urgent issues we are facing.

First, in Ryukyu / Okinawa, colonization and militarization is still severe.

Twenty percent of Okinawa Island are occupied by the U.S. military bases, supported with the Japanese government.

Furthermore, although majority of us is denying, both Japan and the U.S. are forcefully constructing NEW military bases in Ryukyu, which is based on the attitude of NIMBY, which leads sexual assault against women and children and also threat to educational environment of youth.  This goes against the sustainable development goals, as well as against UNDRIP articles 14, and 25 to 32.

Second, many human skeletons were taken from Ryukyuan tombs as well as Ainus’ and native Americans’ and have remained unreturned for nearly 100 years.  We believe that this matter violates article 12 of the UNDRIP.

Finally, we would like to emphasize that, in 2015, Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, officially responded that it is difficult to answer whether the Japanese government had recognized Ryukyu as an independent nation before 1879.   We believe that the Japanese government’s denial of the historical existence of Ryukyu as an independent nation violates article 27 of the ICCPR and article 8, 13, and 15 of the UNDRIP.

We recommend, or, moreover would like to demand that Japanese government should correct all these issues immediately.

Ippee Nifee deibiru. Thank you.


中美論壇 US-China Forum (Chinese): http://www.us-chinaforum.org/

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