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琉球民族獨立研究會加州大學 SANTA CLARA分校研究生 Alexis 大城表示: 7成琉球居民投票反對建設邊野古新基地。 她還指出,日本政府及美軍繼續興建邊野古新基地違反了聯合國關於土著原住民權益宣言裡的多項原則。大城提及沖繩本島南部二戰死者遺地的土砂濫用在邊野古新基地的建設,嚴重踐踏聯合國關於土著原住民權益保障宣言的第三條,以及第12條的歸還土著原住民的遺骨。大城痛訴“日本和美軍當局的雙重殖民式統治製造了許多問題給琉球居民,民眾長期擔憂受擾不已。



Alexyss McClellan-Ufugusuku




海地gusuyo chuuganabira

我的名字是Alexyss McClellan-Ufugusuku,我是一名自豪的混血兒Shikkei nu uchinanchu女子。我們琉球人是日本土地上兩個土著民族之一,雖然聯合國和國際社會承認我們是土著民族,但日本政府不承認。






takara, Miji du nuchi。水是寶,水是命。


ACSILs Statement 
Alexyss McClellan-Ufugusuku
Item 5(d)
Thank you Mr. President/ chair
Haitai gusuyo chuuganabira

My name is Alexyss McClellan-Ufugusuku, I am a proud mixed race Shikkei nu Uchinaanchu woman. We Ryukyuans are one of two Indigenous peoples in the nation-state of Japan, and although the United Nations and the international community recognize us as such, the government of Japan does not.[1] 

We are here to emphasize that, while the Ryukyu islands are today governed as a prefecture, we are not treated as a people equal to the rest of Japan. The Japanese government perpetrates a number of human rights violations and violations against the rights articulated by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights on Indigenous Peoples. In this statement we would like to focus on two issues that stem from the U.S. military bases in our islands, the ongoing construction of yet another new U.S. base in Henoko, and the leak of per and polyfluoryl alykyl substances, or PFAS, that is currently affecting the water supply of 450,000 Ryukyuans in Okinawa.

More than fifteen percent of Okinawa Island is occupied by U.S. and Japanese military bases, of which the U.S. bases alone amount to 32 military installations. Many of these bases were built prior to reversion to Japanese control in 1972, but we would like to draw attention to the fact that FPIC is being undermined in regards to the new U.S. base being built on top of Oura Bay in Okinawa.

The Ryukyuan people have not agreed to the construction of another U.S. base. In 2019 an official referendum was held in Okinawa prefecture, in which over 70% of voters voted “No” against the construction of the new base. Despite this, construction has persisted, and in doing so the Japanese government and U.S. military are violating dozens of articles of the UNDRIP including article thirty, as well as article three, our right to self-determination, and most recently article 12 in regards to desecrating our ancestral remains since it was discovered in 2021 that the land being used for the new base construction contains thousands of ancestor remains from the southern part of Okinawa island.

Militarism in our islands is not only an assault on our islands and ocean, but also affects the livelihood of Ryukyuans living on the island of Okinawa due to the issue of PFAS contamination. PFAS has leaked from multiple military bases, and is currently affecting 450 thousand Ryukyuans on the island of Okinawa. In addition to the many other problems we have as a result of our current dual colonization by Japan and the U.S. military, we now also worry about serious long term health hazards as a result of decades long exposure to and accumulation of PFAS in our peoples’ bodies. This in particular affects Ryukyuan women and pregnant people because of the effects that prenatal exposure to PFAS can have on their children, including but not limited to birth size, the disruption of hormone balance, nervous system development, and a higher risk of contracting infectious diseases.[2] More information about PFAS contamination can be found in the presentation and report we gave to the Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights in May 2022.

We ask that the Permanent Forum arrange a meeting between ACSILs and the Permanent Mission of Japan in order to discuss ongoing issues of militarism in the Ryukyus. Additionally, we demand that the U.S. Department of Defense release to the public data from the groundwater tests conducted on U.S. bases in Okinawa, and that the U.S. and Japanese governments heed recommendation D) from the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Toxic’s report on the impacts of toxics and indigenous peoples, to create an expedient clean up plan and immediately provide access to clean drinking water to the 450,000 Ryukyuans affected. We also call on the  U.S. to immediately cease distribution and use of flame repellents containing PFAS to U.S. bases around the world. Finally, the government of Japan MUST NOT continue with its plan to discharge more than a million tons of irradiated water from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean.
Miji du takara, miji du nuchi.
Water is a treasure, water is life.
Ippee nifee deebitan

中美論壇 堂堂邁入  

六周年 第 508 期 

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#508 (5/6/2023)


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