
萬隆書院(萬院)—瓦解殖民地球接地氣的全球運倡議 (2)

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Bandung School (BS)—A drift proposal for a global movement for decolonizing the earth

發起人(Initiatorsw):Mahmood Mamdani (Global Intellectual, Honored President of the Kampala International U, Chair Prof. Columbia U, former Dirctor of the Makere Insitute, Makerere U), Aturo Escorba (Prof. Of UNC, theorist, activist against globalization), Firdous Azim (Prof of BRAC U, member of the Nariproko activist women’s group), Tejaswini Niranjana (Director of Inter-Asia Center, Ahmebabad U, former Chair of Lingnan U’s Cultural Studies Dept, Co-Fouder of the Center for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore, India),  Jomo K.S. (Global Intellectual, Former Assistant General Secretary, UN, formerProf. Of Economics, U of Malaysia),Markos Takle (Ethiopian Member of the African Union, Ambassador to Egypt, Ambessador at Large, Foamier Embassedor to Japan) 

共同提案人(Co-Initiators):Itakaki Yuzo (activist intellectual of Islamic moment, Prof. Of Tokyo U and Economics U), Muto Ichiyo (People’s Plan Studies Group, Actisit Intllectual, writer, organizer and creator of many social movement organizations), Partha Chatterjee (Prof., Columbia U, former Director of the Studies of Sciences, Calcutta, actor, writer), Geeta Kapur (lordly known artist, editor, writer, and curator) Ruperts Lewis (Professor, Center for Carribbean Thought), Monica Brachman (Federal U, Brazil, UN Consultant, activist), Ashis Nandy (Global Intellectual, Former Directo fo the Center of Development, writer and activist),  Chua Beng Huat (Leading global intellectual, Provost Professor, National U of Singapore), Geert Lovink (Founding Figure of Digital Studies and artist), Jack Qiu (Leading Scholar of critical digital studies, National U of Singapore Prof, active intellectual), Itti Abraham (Chair, SEA Dept, NUformer SSRC staff), (Surichai Wan’Gao (Director of Peace Studies Institute, Chularlongkong U, activist), Ashwana Shama (London School of Arts, editor, writer, activist), Martin Jacques (Prof., writer, reporter, producer), Michael Hardt (Duke U, theorist, activist), Ralph Stilinger (Duke U, activist scholar), Hassan Hagers (Melbourne U, activist intellectual), Ensen Ho (Duke U and NUS, Leo Ching (Duke U, organizer), Asu Aksoy (Prof, curator, artist),  Choi Wanshik (Prof Emeritus of Ichon U, foamier editor of Creation and Criticism, Founder of the Korean Literature Museum, writer, historian, commentary),  Tong Genshik (Minister of Peace and Unification, South Korea, Prof. Of Seoul National U, Former Executive of the Democracy Foundation), Cho Heeyeon, Director of the Seoul City Bureau of Education, Professor of SungKongHoe University; organizer and creator of many civi organizations); Ashish Radjayasha (Independent Scholar, curator, editor, writing, Founding Member of the Center for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore, India); Isao Nakasato 仲里效(Known Okinawa Photograher, editor, writer, activist), Koto Mitutoshi (Banker, critical intellectual), 吉見俊哉Yoshimi Shunya (Prof, and foamier Vice President of Tokyo U), Minoru Iwasaki (VP of Tokyo U of Foreign Languages, philosopher, activist), Wang Xiaoming 王曉明 (Lu Sun Scholar; Shanghai U Professor); Hu Daping 胡大平 (Dean of Maxist School, Najing U), Huang Ping 黃平 (Directior of Sino-US Studies, Euopean Studies, Sociology, writer, former PRC thinktank member), Wang Zhongcheng 王中忱 (Co-Director of Advance Studies, former chair of Chinese Literature, Tsing Hua U), Cui Zhiyuan 崔之元 (Co-Directore of Advane Studies, Tsing Hua U, former think tank member), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,  Qu Jindong (Executive Director, Center for Advance Studies, Peking U), 高士明 Gao Shiming (President of China Academy of Arts, curators and writer), 顏坤泉 Yan Kun-chuan (左翼聯盟總召, Chair of the Alliance of the Left), ), Yunnan Chu 朱雲漢 (Member of the Academia Sinica, Prof. Of National Taiwan U, President of the Chiang Chingkuo Foundation and Zhong Liu Foundation), Shih-wei Shu 舒詩偉(Editor, writer, agrarian movement organizer, independent researcher), Ray Jiin 井迎瑞 (前電影資料館館長former Foamier Director of the Film Archive, Taiwan; Professor of Southern Art U);Hang Jisiang 黃志翔 (CEO Left Culuture Company 列夫特文化負責人, known TV dram series producer, writer, editor, novelist, film maker);Su Wei-shuo (psychiatrist, movement organizers, writers), He Zhaotian賀照田 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, editor, writer, organizer), Lyn Ossome (Prof, and Former Acting Chair, Makerere U, Uganda), Naifei ding 丁乃非 (feminist, Founding figure of Taiwan’s queer movement, National Central U Prof.), Rachimi Diyh Larasati (Minnesota U, curator, dancer and writer), Melani Budianta (Prof., U of Indonesia, activist) 

Draftig and Working Team: Noer Rachman (Leader of Agarian Movement, Foamier Indoneisan State staff of the President’s Office, Global Bandung School Initiator); Hilmar Farid (Leader of People’s/ Intellectual Movement, General Director of Culture and Education, Chair of President’s Thanktank); 陳光興 Chen Kuan-Hsing (Organizer) 

目的 Goal


To establish locally grounded Bandung School (BS) in different parts of the world is to link local critical circles in the form of a Grmascian passive/silent revolution, so that mode of knowledge and thought can be reconstructed to decolonize the earth. Therefore, the goal of the BS is to, in the contemporary context, return to and rediscover the worldview of the known ideas of “Everything is equal; liberating multitudes, humanities and the earth” to reshape wretched of the battered earth.

1980年代末期,随着全球冷战的逐渐式微,我們承繼前輩們篳路藍縷的工作,試圖在亞洲鄰近地地區(南亞、东南亞、東北亞、西亞),将分散的思想界重新聯结起来,克服殖民、帝国主義与冷戰所造成的多重分化与阻隔,尋求新的團結與帶之可能。自九0年代初期起,開始聯結亞洲各地的思想界,通過《亞際文化研究:運動》(Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements;2020-)國際刊物二十多年的運作,與兩岸共同出版《人間思想》((2012-),我们慢慢搭建起一個開放的知識網絡,以學術講座、會議、暑期班、書籍出版等形式,推動持續性的思想交流和知識積累。2006年,東亞刊物會議正式,这是第一个亚洲批判知识分子的思想聯動平台。2010年我们更進一步啟動“西天中土”計畫,推動印度与中国之間的社会思想對話。两年后,我們發起“亚洲现代思想”計畫,将亞洲各地一起工作的知識機構連接起来,成立亞洲思想界連带組織亞際書院(Inter-Asia School)。

Towards the end of the 1980s, as the Cold War waned globally, we began to take on the work of the pioneers who had tried to connect the divided circles of thoughts throughout Asia, from South and Southeast Asia to Northeast Asia and West Asia, to overcome the divisions and blockage imposed by colonialism, imperialism, and the Cold War, and seek new opportunities to rebuild solidarity. Since the early 1990s, through Inter-Asia Cultural studies: Movements an international journal that has operated more than 20 years, and Renjian Thought Review, an intellectual journal published in both Taiwan and China, we have gradually built up an open network of knowledge, which facilitated ongoing exchange of thought and knowledge in the forms of lectures, conferences, summer schools, and publications. In 2006, we launched the “East Asian Conference of Critical Journals;” it is the first platform to connect critical intellectuals throughout Asia. In 2010, we initiated the “West Heavens” project to encourage intellectual dialogue between India and China. Two years later, we founded the Modern Asian Thought Project, trying to connect up intellectual institutions in different parts of Asia through the platform of Inter-Asia School.

1955年於印尼萬隆舉行的歷史性亞非高峰會議,改變了世界的格局,突破了美蘇兩大陣營的壟斷,正式開啓了以亞非拉為想像的第三世界道路,今天的「一帶一路」與六十年來的積累高度相關,延續著「和平共處」五原則。這個從第三世界出發改造世界的方案,對全球性學術思想界提出的挑戰是:如何在知識上聯結亞非拉、加勒比海各地逐步形成的批判傳統,通過連帶、相互學習,藉此瓦解(延續至今的)知識殖民世界?亞際書院於2015年推出了「萬隆/第三世界六十年」系列論壇,企圖重新展開的正是這個延宕了六十年的知識計劃。作為「一帶一路民間版」的「亞際計劃」(Inter-Asia Project),在從一九九0年代初期起至今二十餘年實踐的摸索中,成為重新嫁接第三世界國際主義思想路線的基礎。

The Bandung Conference of 1955 changed the frame of the world, as it broke away from the Cold War monopolies of the US and Soviet Union, and officially initiated the Third World line of thought based on an imagination of Asian-African-Latin American alliance. The “belt and road” initiatives have much to do with the accumulation of this line of thought in the last sixty years, extending the five principles of “peaceful coexistence” proposed by China. The challenge for the global intellectual circle, based on this Third Worldist view for transforming the world, is: how do we connect up the critical traditions in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and liberate the world from western intellectual colonization through solidarity and mutual learning? The Inter-Asia School launched a series of for a in 2015 to re-initiate this intellectual project that has been stalling for sixty years. The “Inter-Asia Project” can be considered as the “popular version” of the Belt and Road initiative, and based on the modest effort of the last 20 years, it hopes to establish a foundation for extending the Third Worldist line of internationalism.


In order to restore the spirit of the 1955 Bandung Conferece, Inter-Asia School initiated a project called “Sixty Years of Bandung/Third World” in different Asian sites, to reflect on how the meanings of the Third World have changed in the last sixty years and how may they be reborn.

1955年4月18至24日,亞洲與非洲近三十個國家的領導人,有史以來首次在沒有歐美殖民帝國參與的情況下,聚集在印尼萬隆,召開極具世界史意義的大會,以「不結盟運動」(Non-Aligned Movement)的形式團結起來,在美蘇霸權之外另闢蹊徑,開啟前殖民地區團結的道路。

In 1955, from April 18 to 24, nearly 30 leaders from Asian and African countries gathered in Bandung, Indonesia, to attend a conference without the participation of European and American colonial empires. This conference has world historical meanings because it created the “non-aligned movement,” to foster the solidarity among previous colonies, independent of Soviet and American hegemonies.


From today’s perspective, the Bandung Conference may be seen as merely an international activity of the weak countries, but that perspective totally missed the point. It created an impact in different corners of the world and presented an obvious, though difficult, question for us: the Bandung Conference ended the dualist structure of hegemony but it also accelerated the division within the socialist camp, leading up to the decomposition of the socialist world led by Soviet Union. How this happened requires further study. But there are other impacts, as follows, that are worthy of consideration: 


First, for the organizer of the Conference, the founding father of Indonesia Soekarno refused to pay the debts coerced by its colonizer, the Netherland, and encouraged the left-wing forces, which ultimately led to the killing of millions of communists under the Soeharto regime in 1965-66, which entrenched the Cold War structure led by US neo-imperialism. This massacre repressed the left-wing forces in Indonesia, which was arguably the largest in Asia besides China, and has direct impact on the making of world order, as it became the precondition of the collapse of the socialist bloc. 

2.同樣的,埃及總統納瑟(Nassir)在會議次年的1956年作出舉世震驚的決定,將英法強權瓜分佔領的蘇黎世運河國有化,英法聯軍強勢入侵,是為以英國新左派為代表誕生的直接因素:前/殖民地分子(如Stuart Hall、Charles Taylor等)介入倫敦左翼政治,開闢出新左翼陣營,左批蘇聯入侵匈牙利,右打英法佔領埃及,開展出政黨政治以外的民眾運動空間。

Second, Egyptian president Nassir made a world stunning decision in 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal which led to the invasion of the British and French allied forces. This event is a prominent factor for the birth of the British New Left: intellectuals from Britain’s formal colonies (such as Stuart Hall and Charles Taylor) intervened in left wing politics in London, critiquing the Soviet invasion of Hungary on the one hand and the British-French occupation of Egypt on the other, creating a popular space of critique outside party politicking. 


Third, Prime Minister of China Zhou Enlai’s participation in the Bandung Conference is crucial. Minor countries hoped to break through US-Soviet monopolies toward socialist revolution and they looked at China and the Chinese Communist Party as a beacon of hope. Albania made a proposal to the United Nations to welcome the PRC into the United Nations. It support was crucial to China’s return to the United Nations in the 1970s. 


For Singapore and Malaysia, the Bandung Conference effected in the cross-racial unity, creating an opportunity for Chinese in Southeast Asia to identify with and swear allegiance to the local polities. 

5.對於非洲大陸整體,八年後1963年「非洲統合組織」(Organization of African Unity)的成立,反殖民運動領導人在伊索比亞首都阿迪斯阿貝巴聚首,三天會議中決議擺開歐美殖民主切割出來民族國家的爭議,以泛非主義(pan-Africanism)的理念尋求更高層次的統合,經過38年努力在2001年正式成立非盟(African Union)成為非洲(目前還處於弱勢狀態)的中央政府。在大勢無法阻擋的情況下,為干擾殖民地的獨立,歐洲宗主國提出了償還長期建設經費的戰略,在經濟層次上獲取暴利,同時繼續控制新政府,至今尚未終止。例如法國在非洲大陸14國仍然在收取殖民稅,外表終結的殖民主義,所謂 「切斷臍帶」 (delinking) 的後殖民世界轉化成新殖民主義的政經遙控,殖民母國與殖民地的深層關係。誰說殖民主義已經結束了呢?深受全球思想界推崇的法國理論家,又如何能夠對殖民稅一事身事外嗎?第三世界學界又如何能如此輕易地崇拜以法國為中心的歐洲理論?

In Africa, the Africa Union was established in 1963, eight years after the Bandung Conference, where anticolonial leaders met in Addis Baba, the capital of Ethiopia, and decided to overcome the division of nation-states by seeking a higher level unity in the name of Pan-Africanism. After 38 years of effort, African Union, while still weak, has become the central government of Africa. When African independence became unstoppable, European colonizers demanded African countries to pay off the debt for infrastructure as a way to exploit revenues from Africa and stop it from gaining complete independence. For instance, even today, the French government is still collecting colonial tax from fourteen countries in Africa. Colonialism may seem to have ended, but in reality the hope for delinking has transformed into a form of remote control, deeply connecting the colonizers and the colonized. In what ways can we claim that colonialism has ended? In what ways can French philosophers who are embraced for their liberating ideas be disconnected from the fact of colonial tax? In what ways can Third World intellectuals embrace continental theory, often based in French philosophy, without a second thought? 


In reality, people have ignored the fact that the establishment of the European Union is far later than the conception of an African Union. But the global dissemination of the Eurocentric mode of knowledge has made us believe that only Europe has the vision and capacity to overcome nation-state divisions, while in reality it was forced to adjust itself, otherwise the self-interested apparatus of the nation-state will only wreck havoc in Europe and draw the world down with it. By calling the nation-state an apparatus, I am invoking European modernity as an institutional setup that is based upon the imagination of liberal individualism, armed by such notions as liberty, democracy, and science, which have been adopted by Third World countries as the remedies for modernization. China’s May Fourth Movement that held high the slogans of Science and Democracy is an original story of self-colonization. Of course the contexts of the May Fourth Movement was more complicated than I can explain here, and the ways and dynamic in which different intellectual circles are articulated need to be attended with care—I only intend to point out that the long term effect of colonization is real. Even today, Eurocentric universal values and normative thinking remain unchallenged as a gospel of Third World liberalism, and its linear “progressivism” has penetrated everywhere, forming an intellectual and political hegemony over a century of time, which not only stigmatizes and destroyed the inherited worldview of the people but also denounced locally grown traditions accumulated over generations as “feudal, conservative, and superstitious.” These higher-ranked (Chinese) people unconsciously became intellectual compradors, denying and disdaining the autonomous rhythm of life formed by the (rural) people over a thousand years. These Third World liberals have become the running dogs of imperialism. Reluctant to face up to the internal connections between liberalism and colonial imperialism, they, for selfish reasons, lean towards party politics to cater to the people and towards scientism to abandon religion. As a result, bipartisan or multi-party democracy has been regarded as the measurement of democracy, which cuts the Third World off from their historical contexts, ignoring the experience of the people, dissolving the “heaven and earth” of their being, to endless tragedies. How to reengage with Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science of the May Fourth Movement, as well as the dogmas of modernization and development that followed, and allow the people to retrieve their multiple world views, remains a dominant problemtic of contemporary Chinese/Asian/Third World circle of thought. 


Places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Okinawa and Japan mainland have been incorporated into the the camp of Capitalism in the earliest moment of the Cold War formation, so that Bandung effects were either lesser or absent, but the impacts long lasting: Third World consciousness has had no soil to grow and “pro-US/anti-communism”became the dominant Cold War ruling ideology, blocking out the momentum for creating the worldview of mutual understanding, identification and support among the former colonies. Especially through academic institutions, dependency on the Euro-US has continued present day self-colonized Europ-US centrum, which is most difficult to overcome or a gigantic barrier to readjust. How to reopen and recreate a Third World horizon of thought on all levels and in most places and learn from national spaces such as Africa, India, Indonesia, Arabic world, and mainland China, India—to call for a Third World consciousness and to be concerned once again the incomplete intellectual projects left over by the Bandung Conference, ie., to turn our eyes on Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America, and to interact with the local and regional circles of thought. This is our basic motives for revisiting the Bandung spirits and practices.


With these rather simplified reflections and intuitions, Inter-Asia School developed relevant works. From February to August, 2016, we created the following programs: 1. to collaborate with Kochi Arts triennial to continue and initiate the intellectual forms done in the Inter-Asia arts biannuals in the form of round-tables to inaugurate the “Bandung/Third World 60 years”series. 2. From April 18-20, matching the dates of the 1955 Bandung conference, we hosted a larger Hongzhou Forum, inviting important thinkers from the Third World to intensely share critical analyses of the world in transformation. 3. In May 30 and 31, East Asian Critical Journals Conference was held in Lingnan University, Hong Kong, for roundtable discussions, keynoted by Prof. Paik Nakchung for the new conjecture for Third World solidarity. 5. On July 31, in Tokyo’s Meji University, senior activist intellectual Muto Ichiyo delivered a speech on “From Bandung to Durban”to historicize his half-century long experience of Asia and third World solidarity.6. On August 9, a Surabaya roundtable took place within the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference; afterwards, from 10-15, a field trip was organized to visit Garu and Bandung to study the occupy movement and the the wider Alliance of the Poular Movement, with the support of Noer Rachman and Hilmar Fard, leading activist intellectuals. 7. On October 24 and 35, a public forum was hosted to speak to the younger intellectuals for deepen the historical understanding of the Bandung Conference and to connect it with the internal sources of thought. From November 13-15, We gathered together in Okinawa, articulating postwar art history with anti-US base movement, we organized three day forum. 8. Other activities took place in Taipei, Hsinchu, Chiayi, Tainan and Kaohsiung under the umbrella of “Another World.”

除了上述同仁主動推進的活動外,4月10日有幸在造訪黎巴嫩貝魯特期間拜訪了剛剛成立三年的獨立民間團體「阿拉伯社會科學委員會」(Arab Council for the Social Sciences, ACSS),之後又在6月8至12日受邀至西非塞內加爾達卡參加1973年成立至今的「非洲社會科學發展委員會」()的第十四屆三年一度的大會,希望未來能打開始與非洲思想界互動的空間。

In addition to these activities, we had the fortune to visit the newly founded indecent organization, Arab Council for the Social Sciences, ACSS), and then from June 8 to 12, we were invited to join the Congress of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, with the hope that Africa-Asia link can be created for the critical circles of thought.


Participations in these actions in motion have made us realize that Bandung Conference in its own moment of history has generated long lasting but not fully catchable impacts; its emotional touches had since then disseminated in different corners for that generation, in different forms transforming into all kinds of energies. With the coming and going of that, can we call, Bandung generation, Bandung effects seem to have dissipated but nevertheless become like ghost in different moments, places and forms to assert themselves. Strangely enough, though it does not constitute a nostalgia, it is something to hold onto. Its unreachable, incomplete and undisposable, lingering around to continue to guide those who were touched by it. To say the least, for intellectuals, it is an incomplete intellectual project, ie. to learn from each other about the sources and modes of thought growing out of local histories, largely because the route for the most powerful explanation of the world is still being shaped. Let us, like minded comrades to hold our hands together to move forward.    

變動中的世界: 從「民族國家」中解放出來 World in radical transitions: Divesting the Modern Nation-States

2015年是1955年萬隆會議60周年。在過去的60年裡,世界發生了巨大的變化。至此,著名的金磚四國(巴西、俄羅斯、印度、中國和南非)已成為世界經濟的驅動力:萬隆會議舉辦地印度尼西亞明顯處於東南亞區域經濟增長的火車頭。簡言之,社會主義與前社會主義國家、前殖民和前/第三世界國家似乎已經成為"全球資本主義"的先鋒。所以必須反思世界正在改變的歷史、軌跡和條件這些崛起的經濟體,有著革命和反帝國主義的過去,能夠創造新的運作形式來打破資本主義的征服和剝削邏輯,還是僅僅複製它們所反對的?如果當前局勢的複雜性要求我們超越任何一種理解,萬隆及其精神的遺產是什麼?可以動員起來,設想為建設一個更美好的世界而建立新的團結形式? 更智慧地來說,我們得整理不同地點不斷變化的知識生產條件。在取得一定程度的自治後,我們現在更有能力連接和重新連接位於(前)第三世界的關鍵思想圈(過去60年成長的地方和區域形成),以形成不同的知識生產模式嗎?使命是一直繼續思考如何發展不同的知識模式和系統,以解釋和應對生活世界在不同抽象層面的複雜性。

2015 marks the 60th anniversary of the 1955 Bandung Conference. Over the past 60 years, the world has been reshaped greatly. By now, the celebrated BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have become the driving engines of world economy; and Indonesia, where the Bandung Conference was held, is visibly on the forefront of the Southeast Asia regional economic growth. In short, ex/socialist, ex/colonized and ex/third world countries seem to have emerged as the vanguard of “global capitalism”.  Are these rising economies, with a revolutionary and anti-imperialist past, able to create new forms of operation to break the conquering and exploitative logics of capitalism, or simply reproducing what they were fighting against? If the complexities of the current situations demand us to move beyond an either/or understanding, what are the legacies of the Bandung and its spirits, which can be mobilized to imagine new forms of solidarity for a better world? On a more intellectual level, we are interested in sorting out the changing conditions of knowledge production in diverse locations. Having achieved certain degree of autonomy, are we now better equipped to connect and reconnect critical circles of thought (local and regional formations growing in the past 60 years) located in the (ex) third world to forge different modes of knowledge production? How to develop different modes and systems of knowledge to account for and confront the complexity of the living world on different levels of abstraction has been and will continue to be the mission.

自2015年起提案成立萬隆書院,希望承繼萬隆遺產,這個是從反殖民鬥爭中存活下來的精神資產,在世界歷史的當下,繼續塑造這個學校或前/殖民地,即現代民族國家的形式。在進入批判性討論之前,讓我首先預告萬隆避免誤解的極大重要性。萬隆1955年開闢了一個世界觀,除非從「亞非-拉丁美洲」的互動地點建設世界歷史的政治知識專案已經完成,否則不可能留下。正是在不完整的工程的陰影下,"全球南方"的非殖民化任務直接或間接地繼承和延續了萬隆精神,朝著解放形式設想的批判性的普遍主義前進。然而,現在也許時機已經成熟,可以停下來,批判性地思考萬隆闡述中所蘊含的問題,以便向前邁進。借用加桑·哈奇最近的作品,反殖民主義一直以「反」的反對模式進行,沒有自覺地貫徹殖民主義運動組織原則:因此,它目前是有效的,但從長遠來看,不能超越其極限,創造真正的替代方案,他稱之為"改變政治"。  高潮可以說是萬隆會議(然後是不結盟運動),在那裡表達了對民族獨立的渴望,得到肯定和確認:與此同時,現代民族國家的形式也得到了鞏固,從此成為帝國征服力量所定義的不可挑戰的"常識",現在被前殖民者和前殖民者所接受。用韓國思想家白樂晴的表達方式,我們積極邀請自己採納現代民族國家的精神。   我們繞道而行,在萬隆之前和之後簽署現代民族國家暴力形成的一般(如果不是普遍的)傾向,以便打開空間,如果你願意,開始撤資,"現代""國家""國家"(或"現代民族國家"),不是概念理論類別,而是精神力量在過去一百到一百五十年投資。我認為,最近關於後遺症或後國家主義的簡單性不會為向前邁進提供新的見解。我們需要首先認識到第三世界民族主義反對帝國主義和殖民主義("反"政治")的關鍵和解放力量,作為我們反思的假設,然後通過重新審視歷史來審視鬥爭中蘊含的問題,從而尋找有根據的替代方案("變革的政治"),並同時投入到不迴避精神能量的深度。

The problem is, to put simply, before and after the Bandung, the formation of the modern nation-state in the history of Euro-American and the Third World spaces has been unambiguously violent, physically and psychically. This was equally true for the countries in Asia. In the course of the Partition of India and Pakistan (1947), the making of “two Chinas” on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits (1949), the division system established in North Korea and South Korea (1953), the separation of Singapore and Malaysia (1965), and the American occupation of Okinawa (1945-72) separating it from mainland Japan, the inevitable violence was, on the one hand, the result of internal struggles for political power among different political and/or ethnic groups, and the continuation of racist policies of separation left over from prewar times; on the other hand, the international Cold War in which capitalism confronted communism brought about civil wars within nation-states, in which one faction attempted to wipe out the other in the course of consolidating political control over power. The Jeju Uprising in Korea (1948), the 228 [February 28] Incident (1947) and the White Terror (1950s) in Taiwan, the massacres in Indonesia (1965-66), the Anti-Rightist Movement in China (1957), and the Malaysia’s anti-communist struggles (1950s-1988), all testified to the mutual articulation of the historical complexity and continuity of pre-war colonialism and the Cold War. These events left the local populations in states of anxiety, and led to the situations in which political taboos could not be discussed in public. In turn, the generational gaps between those born before and after the aforementioned events, as well as the communal segregation between different groups, have become underlying causes of conflict and contradiction within the “nation”.

In the 1990s, as the influence of the Cold War waned, issues such as state violence, racial discrimination, anti-communism, massacres and other formerly taboo subjects gradually resurfaced in different forms in society. Officially suppressed “history” reappeared in the form of shared memories, which were spoken, and written, taking the form of interviews, film, audio recordings and literature. The question arose among intellectuals of how to deal with these memories as a way of understanding and accepting history, and as a prerequisite for moving forward. There is certain ironic truth to the notion, “the winners get to write history, the losers can only compose poetry and memoirs,” which put the difference between history and memory on the agenda to be debated and problematized.

在以上陳述的背景下,現在準備擴大成立萬隆書院,萬隆精神的遺產是從反殖民鬥爭中繼承下來的,在世界歷史的當下,理當重新思想繼續前/殖民地揮之不去的厄運,即現代民族國家的形式。在進入批判性討論之前,讓我首先預告萬隆避免誤解的極大重要性。萬隆1955年開闢了一個世界觀,除非從「亞非拉」的互動地點建設世界歷史的政治知識方案已經完成,否則不可能留下。正是在不完整的工程的陰影下,"全球南方"的非殖民化任務直接或間接地繼承和延續了萬隆精神,朝著解放形式設想的批判性的普遍主義前進。然而,現在也許時機已經成熟,可以停下來,批判性地思考萬隆闡述中所蘊含的問題,以便向前邁進。借用加黎巴嫩裔的理論家桑·哈奇(Ghassan Hage最近的作品,反殖民主義一直以「反」的反對模式進行,沒有自覺地貫徹殖民主義運動組織原則:因此,它目前是有效的,但從長遠來看,不能超越其極限,創造真正的替代方案,他稱之為"改變政治"。 高潮可以說是萬隆會議(然後是不結盟運動),在那裡表達了對民族獨立的渴望,得到肯定和確認:與此同時,現代民族國家的形式也得到了鞏固,從此成為帝國征服力量所定義的不可挑戰的"常識",現在被前殖民者和前殖民者所接受。用韓國思想家白的表達方式,我們積極邀請自己採納現代民族國家的精神。

It is against this background, we now prepare to set up Bandung School with the hope to address one aspect of the Bandung legacies, which has inherited from the anti-colonial struggle and continued to shape the former and neo/colonies in the present moment of world history, namely the modern nation-state form. Before entering the critical discussion, let us first foreground the immense importance of the Bandung to avoid misunderstanding. Bandung 1955 has opened up a worldview impossible to leave behind unless the political-intellectual project of constructing the world history from the interacting sites of “Asia-Africa-Latin America” has been completed. It is under the shadow of the incomplete project that the decolonization task of the “global south” directly or indirectly inherits and keeps alive the Bandung spirit moving towards a critical universalism envisioned in the form of emancipation. Nevertheless, the time is perhaps mature now to pause and think critically the problems embedded in the Bandung articulation in order to move forward. To borrow from Ghassan Hage’s recent work, anti-colonialism has been conducted in the “anti” mode of being oppositional, without being self-conscious of carrying with the movement organizing principles of colonialism; and hence, it was effective for the moment but in the long run cannot move beyond its limit to create genuine alternative, which he calls “alter politics”. The culminating point is arguably the Bandung Conference, where the desire for national independence was expressed, affirmed and confirmed; at the same time the form of modern nation-states has also been consolidated and since then become the unchallengeable “common sense” defined by imperial conquering power and now accepted by both ex-colonizers and ex-colonized. To follow Korean thinker Paik Nak-chung’s expression, we have actively invited ourselves to adopt the ethos of the modern nation-states.


We made the detour to sign post the general (if not universal) tendency of the violent formation of the modern nation states in the Third World/Asia before and after the Bandung, in order to open up the space, if you wish, to begin to divest, “modern” “nation” “state” (or “modern nation state”), not as conceptual-theoretical categories, but as psychic forces invested over the past one hundred to one hundred fifty years. In my view, the simplicity of more recent formulation of the postnation or postnationalism will not provide new insights to move forward. We need to first recognize the critical and liberating power of the Third World nationalism against imperialism and colonialism (“the politics of the anti”) as the assumption of our reflection, but then proceed to examine the problems embedded in the struggle via revisiting histories, so as to search for grounded alternatives (“the politics of the alter”) without avoiding the depth of psychic energy always and already invested in the national, if not nationalist, history.


As mandarin Chinese speaking persons, we inevitably situate ourselves in a familiar context to address the problems, though self-consciously move beyond the Sino-centric worldview via the Bandungh spirt, so that we can overcome the limits under the pressure of the first real globalization squarely shaped by the current crisis of the Covid-19, so that new imaginations and alliances can be articulated for the future.


To my limited knowledge, Chinese investment in modern nation-states has been amazingly successful, slowly built up over the past 150 years. One can still remember when the “national father” Sun Yet-san began to formulate his political doctrine on nationalism as one of the three pillars of the imagined new republic around 1900-1910s, he was agonizing over the fact that Chinese people was like a “plate of dispersed sand” impossible to be united against the invasion of outside imperialist forces. By 1949s, when Mr. Tan Yunshan’s classmate Mao Tse-dong defeated, ironically, the Nationalist KMT founded by Sun and announced in Tiananmen Square that Chinese people have stood up now, nationalism had not simply landed in the mind of intellectual sector but has won the heart of the peasantry and workers. Zhou Enlai’s 1955 mission in Bandung played out further the internationalist side of the Chinese nationalism; there can be o one country socialism for the leftist state, nationalism and internationalism are continuous and contiguous. By the end of the Cold War’s hot confrontation, in the 1990s, minzu-guojia (nation-states, to translate literarily) has been the moral principle for both Nationalist Taiwan and communist China, partly achieved via the compulsory popular education, a completely new apparatus to history, created by the modern nation-states. The deep suspicion and reservation of early modern thinkers, from 1880s to 1920s, against the form of the European nation-states, among other inventions, had been profoundly dropped out of the scene. The triumph of Mr. Science and Mr. Democracy, formulated since the May Fourth Movement in the 1910s, to read in this context, has become the two vehicles of the same vain to run over the entire national soil in establishing political and social system (Democracy) and popular production of knowledge (Science). Only until recently, when the social and political crisis become unbearably strong, contemporary thinkers like Zhang Chengzhi, Wang Xiaoming and Wang Hui, each in their own ways, have begun to revisit alternative sources of thought in either the Islamic connections, or Han literati of the early modern era, or the socialist project of the new China. But ultimately, the critical tradition cautious against nationalism did not survive and will have to be rediscovered and mobilized in the alternative intellectual line of thought established in places like the Indian subcontinent.

讓我冒險把目光轉向我所知最少的南亞。目前,人民黨自2014年5月以來第二次贏得並推動該政權。關於現任總理納倫德拉·莫迪的爭議與他參與2001年古吉拉特邦悲慘的社區暴力事件有關,當時他擔任首席部長。也許,莫迪/印度人民黨政權可以被看作是右傾印度教民族主義的意識形態進步。正如所預測的那樣,宗教、種族和族裔分歧可能會繼續升級。一旦人民黨上臺,濃重的焦慮雲將籠罩南亞大陸的天空。簡單地說,我們需要從歷史和理論上瞭解在歐洲國家培育的種子,並移植到英美印度的殖民發明中。 正是在這種背景下,我想泰戈爾1917年的民族主義(直到1982年才翻譯成中文)、帕薩 查特吉1986的和阿希斯·南迪1994年的開創性著作《民族主義的非法性:拉賓德拉納特·泰戈爾與自我政治》(直到2014年才翻譯)之間建立一條思路的譜系。也就是說,儘管這種持續質疑民族國家合法性的思想路線無法阻止民族主義的血腥泛濫,但它作為一種批判性的思想傳統得以倖存下來,現在已成為物追溯印度或南亞地緣政治界限之外的寶貴來源。二三十年前,在1990年代,民族國家的衰落和跨國公司的崛起被譽為當今的心情:它現在已經證明,即使隨著超級民族國家(即歐盟或東盟)的形成,我們卻低估民族主義在全球資本主義時代也得以生存並更加強烈地盛行。

Let me take the risk to turn our eyes towards South Asia where I know the least. At the present moment, BJP has second time won and driven the regime since May 2014. The controversy over Narendra Modi, the current prime minister, had to do with his involvement in the tragic Gujarat communal violence in 2001, when he was the chief minister. Perhaps, the Modi/BJP regime can be seen as the ideological advancement of the right leaning Hindu nationalism As projected, religious, racial and ethnic divides will perhaps continue to escalate. As soon as BJP is in power, heavy cloud of anxiety will overshadow the sky of South Asian continent. To put it simply, we will need to understand historically and theoretically the seeds cultivated in European nation-states and transplanted to the colonial invention of British India. For consideration of space limit,  we can only quickly a line of thinking from Rabindranatch Tagore’s 1917 Nationalism (not translated into Chinese until 1982), to Partha Chatterjee’s 1986 Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: a Derivative Discourse and Ashis Nandy’s 1994 The Illegitimacy of Nationalism: Rabindranath Tagore and the Politics of Self, (translated only recently in 2014). That is to say, although this line of thought persistently questioning the legitimacy of the Western European nation-states as a political form to organize internally and then was able to expand externally in the form of colonialism and imperialism, cannot prevent the bloody flood of nationalism, it has nevertheless survived as a critical tradition of thought and by now has become a precious sources to return to, of course, beyond the geopolitical limit of India or South Asia. Two or three decades ago, in the 1990s, the decline of the nation-state and the rise of the transnational corporations had been hailed as the mood of the day; it has now proved that even with the formation of mega nation-states (ie., EU or ASEAN), nationalism has survived and prevailed even more strongly in the era of global capitalism. How do we understand this powerful ghost?


For Tagore, “nation”, “nation-state” and “nationalism” were all products of the modern European history. The ideological formulation of the “modern” was a reaction to the European history itself, in particular, the evolutionist world view, under which modern nation-state was in reality a series of political and economic institutions to organize its own people; such world view attempted to remove the theological and religious constrains so that the new ruling bloc can operate, with the assumption of national self-interest and self-defense, in the name of science, sovereignty, rationality, rule of law. The end results were conflicts, pillage and exploitation, not only within the nation to suppress local subaltern classes, but also aggressions in the form of imperialism and colonialism oversea. The fundamental arrangement of the modern order excluded the higher order demand of the social life, and hence in overthrowing the earlier mode of life, the new ideology suspended the location of the spiritual world (the mental, the psychic, the religious, the supernatural) in the universe. In this exclusion, the “modern” ideology no long possessed but only claimed to universality. India’s location in South Asia has its own historical trajectories, Tagore argued. It has its own problem (ie. caste) and its liberation cannot be accomplished by borrowing other’s history. Strengthening and internalizing the European worldview would be a road toward self-destruction.

自20世紀70年代以來,南迪自身的智力形成一直深受泰戈爾和甘地的影響。有趣的是,這兩位最受尊敬的"國家"人物已經公開警惕民族主義帶來的麻煩。他們認為,數千年的印度文明無法被吸收,不能淪為民族概念的狹隘(國家作為一種新發明的東西,不可能"遏制"這一歷史演變的文明的複雜性)。因此,他們對國家概念的實際政治用途必須伴隨著自我批判性反思的深度。對甘地來說,他領導下的自由運動一直是爭取平等的普遍鬥爭的一部分。此外,正如甘地指出的,一旦歐洲形式的民族主義被軍事化,它就變成了帝國主義。非暴力的和平運動是針對自我的,承受痛苦的能力是自由的假設。非暴力的和平運動是針對自我的,承受痛苦的能力是自由的假設。特別是在宗教生活是整個社會工作基礎的地方,政治與宗教之間的整體脫鉤和分離也意味著走向災難性危機:政治將變成黨派自身利益的鬥爭(基於個人),從而成為民族主義者自身在全球舞臺上的利益。 查特吉與南迪以自己的方式繼承了泰戈爾和甘地對民族主義事業所蘊含的危險的超強意識。

Chatterjee’s and Nandy’s ntellectual formation had been deeply influenced by Tagore and Gandhi since1970s onward. Interestingly enough, these two most widely respected “national” figures have been overtly alert of troubles brought by nationalism. They felt that thousands of years of Indic civilization could not be absorbed and reduced to the narrow-mindedness of the notion of the nation (nation, as a something new to be invented, cannot possibly “contain” the complexity of this historically evolving civilization). Hence, their actual political uses of the concept of the nation had to come with the depth of self-critical reflection. For Gandhi, the freedom movement under his leadership had always been part of the universal struggle for equality. Further, as Gandhi pointed out, once European form of nationalism was militarized, it had become imperialism. The non-violent peace movement had been directed towards the self, the ability to bear suffering was the assumption of freedom. Especially in places where religious life is the working basis of society at large, the whole sale delinking and separation between politics and religion would also mean a movement towards disastrous crisis; unplugging the practice of constant self-critical reflection, politics would become the struggle for partisan self-interest (based on the individuals), and hence the interest of the nationalist self in the global arena.

 Nandy, in his own ways, inherited Tagore and Gandhi’s hyper awareness of the danger embedded in the nationalist enterprise.


To sum up, we need to recognize that the immense contribution the 1955 Bandung made requires us sixty years later take steps further to not just divest the modern nation-state form but also to operate on the level of knowledge to reeducate ourselves with the conditions and historical specificities of other parts of the third world. This is an incomplete project of the Third World (Asia-Africa-Latin America links) brought to the globe by the 1955 Bandung that we need continue to work on. 

託管還是信託? Trusteeship 


     If we can at all liberate form the nation-state form, then how do we imagine the future world in global context?

西方帝國勢力實行「託管」,作為吞併早期殖民勢力一直佔領或殖民領土的法律手段。但是,不要忘記,甚至在征服的做法,採取託管接管空間由舊帝國控制后,第二次世界大戰(例如。沖繩自1945年或日本,1945-51年),託管已經是甘地主義的核心:富人通過尋找後者的福利來贏得窮人的信任。甘地說:"假設我擁有相當數量的財富——無論是通過遺產,還是通過貿易和工業——我必須知道,所有的財富都不屬於我:屬於我的是享有可敬生計的權利, 沒有比數百萬其他人享有的更好的了。“甘地說:"假設我擁有相當數量的財富——無論是通過遺產,還是通過貿易和工業——我必須知道,所有的財富都不屬於我:屬於我的是享有可敬生計的權利, 沒有比數百萬其他人享有的更好的了。我的剩餘財富屬於社區,必須用於社區的福利。漢族人會立刻敲響警鐘。 我把這個概念寫在引號上,建議「階級」(作為一個馬克思主義術語:我仍然是一個靈活的第三世界馬克思主義者)不屬於我們,我們不能簡單地將這一類別映射到我們自己的歷史中。我曾在中國大陸公開表示,所謂中國社會主義的基礎,實際上是基於大眾信仰(間):人人平等,包括人、畜、植物,否則毛澤東將如何成功地領導革命。農民根本不明白什麼是生產模式或關係。 當代硬幣這個詞,農民工作,說明瞭一切:所有的第三世界工人,包括早期在歐洲形成,都是農民:在罷工之前,我們/他們必須在寺廟、教堂或清真寺祈禱。

“Trusteeship” has been practiced by the Western imperial power as a legal means of annexing the always already occupied or colonized territories by earlier colonial forces. But don’t forget that even before the conquering practices to adopt trusteeship to take over spaces controlled by the older empire after the World War II (eg. Okinawa since 1945 or Japan, 1945-51), trusteeship was already at the heart of Gandhism: the rich wins over the trust from the poor by looking afeter the latter’s wealfare. Gandhi says: "Supposing I have come by a fair amount of wealth – either by way of legacy, or by means of trade and industry – I must know that all that wealth does not belong to me; what belongs to me is the right to an honourable livelihood, no better than that enjoyed by millions of others. The rest of my wealth belongs to the community and must be used for the welfare of the community." Han Chinese would immediately ring the bell. This has always been the belief and practice of the gentry from rich family or landlord “class”. I put the notion in quotation mark to suggest that “class” (as a Marxist term; I remain a flexible Third World Marxist) did not belong to us, and we cannot simply map the category onto our own history. I have been saying this in public in mainland China that the basis of the so-called Chinese socialism is in reality based on the popular faith (民間信仰):Everyone is equal, including humans, animals and plants, otherwise how Mao would have led the revolution successfully. Peasantries simply do not understand what the hell is mode or relation of production.  Contemporary coinage of the term, peasant work, says it all: all Third World workers, including the earlier formation in Europe, are all peasants; before going on strike, we/they have to pray in temples, churches or mosques.


We all know the human world will never be equal and hierarchy will always be here and there. But if trusteeship will always the basic assumption to equalize the resources and power, to maintain division of labor, and even to balance up the global order, whether it is in the name of socialism/communism no loner matters.

在此背景下,2017年泰戈爾成立80周年和譚雲山教授訪問印度90周年,是值得借鑒的歷史教訓。必須記住他們的做法為「信管」。這些祖先及其家庭成員奉獻了一生和精力,在他們自己直接的知識界、他們熱愛的地方、區域和民族社區、他們的地區以及他們生活的世界中,創造一個更美好的世界。我不必列出他們以自己的方式做了多少, 因為泰戈爾是地球上向我們展示什麼是 "託管" 的模型。他們的兒女們一直跟隨著他們的足跡,繼續他們所做的一切。我不必列出他們以自己的方式做了多少, 因為泰戈爾是地球上向我們展示什麼是 "託管" 的模型。他們的兒女們一直跟隨著他們的足跡,繼續他們所做的一切。譚鍾先生給兩位國家領導人的信,以緩和衝突,只不過是託管:在最緊迫的關鍵時刻調動他積累的信任,說服莫德先生和習近平先生為更大的人文學科思考。這是在譚雲山成為「欽迪安」的傳統和泰戈爾在美國、日本和中國提醒他的朋友和觀眾討厭的民族主義毀滅世界。泰戈爾,在他旅行的這些地方受到同行的歡迎或不受歡迎,很像蘇秦和張儀,他打算說服戰國國王放鬆不必要的戰爭,讓老百姓過上他們平和的生活,一直被人們銘記為託管的實踐者。

With this background, in 2017m the 80th anniversary of Tagore’s founding Cheena Bhavana and 90thanniversary of Prof. Tan Yun-shan’s arrival to India, are the historical lessons to learn from. Their practices must be remembered as “trusteeship”. These ancestors, along with their family members, have devoted their entire life and energies to make a better world, in their own immediate intellectual circles, their beloved local, regional and national communities, their region, and the world they lived in. I don’t have to list how much they have done in their own ways, in that Tagore is the model on earth to show us what is “trusteeship”. Their sons and daughters have followed their footprints to continue what they have done. Mr. Tan Chung’s letter to the two state leaders to ease the conflicts is nothing but trusteeship: mobilizing his accumulated credibilities in the most urgently critical moment to persuade Mr. Mode and Mr. Xi to think for the larger humanities. This is done in the tradition of Tan Yun-shan’s becoming “Chindian” and Tagore’s courageous interventions in the U.S., Japan and China to remind his friends and audiences of the nasty nationalism destroying the world. Tagore, welcomed or unwelcomed in his time by his counterparts in these locations he traveled, is very much like the Su Qing 蘇秦 and Zhang Yi 張怡moving about to persuade the kings of the Warring States to ease unnecessary warfare so that common people could live their modest life, has been remembered as the practitioner of trusteeship. 


The implications are clear. If trusteeship is working principle for the rich and powerful to provide services to the poor and the weak, it can work on the level of the individual, group, community, the nation, the region, the world, the globe and the planet. If we intersect this principle with international order, it would mean big countries, with a small-countryist sentiment, need to provide resources to the weaker places to build soft tracks and speed trains and to deliver food to save the hungry population on earth. The medium-country (eg. Korea or Malaysia) would play a role to mediate the conflicts and to find the solutions to the regional controversies. And the small-countries can be the leading edge to contribute to the region and the world, with the most creative and flexible energies, which the large countries may not be able to have due to its constraints to take care of everyone.


We were personally taken by the first visit here to learn that the mixing of ages and levels, the teaching under the tree, and the joyful and loving scenes; and have tried to practice in my own teaching practices. I have been the son of Tan Yun-shan and Tagore. In the end, why can’t we see Shanteniketen as a small-country, with accumulated traditions and practices, a self-sufficient universe, a vanguard ahead of its time to the showing the medium-large counties across the globe on how can a humane and alternative education can be done? 

“We’re all foreigners…”我們皆為外國/異鄉人


 In an in-depth interview with Choi Won-shik conducted last year in Seoul, (as a part of the “Postwar Left Oral History project—mediating through Chen Yingzhen; and we have done about 100 across East Asia), when we discussed the conditions of so-called waishengren (mainlanders from outside of Taiwan province), he said: “wait a second, we are not mainlanders, we are all foreigners”. Indeed, anyone receiving university education and, worst, to have a PhD degree has departed from our community and our people, the minjung, as Korean call the populace or Chinese call “one hundred surnames” (百姓).

是的,我們都是外國人。我們接受的現代教育越多,我們就越遠離我們的根源。我們,無論是馬克思主義者、女權主義者,還是後殖民主義者或特別的活動家,都成為統治精英。讓我們回到我們自己的人民,寺廟,市場和節日重新連接。讓我們回到我們的母親、父親和祖先身邊。不知怎麼的,自上世紀90年代末以來,我跟隨祖先的腳步踏上了第二次或第三次西遊記,與印度朋友交朋友。 唐三臧的漢族名字叫陳褘,在我的家譜里,直到去年才被人忽視。直到最近,我才發現,我早年應該成為藏傳佛教創始人仁波切大師的100位弟子之一:我是印度、南亞或天竺的孩子。為了冒與坐在這裡的朋友和同志對抗的風險,泰戈爾舉世聞名的名聲惹惱了他的聽眾,讓我這樣說:印度、中國或歐洲並不存在,任何形式的身份都需要得到控制:都是現代民族國家的結果。讓我們回到農民所擁護的世界觀和宇宙中來。讓我們回到我們的現代思想家,崔元世,譚雲山和泰戈爾,他們以愛的笑容跟我們坐在一起。

Indeed, we are all foreigners. The more modern education we have received, the more we have moved away from our sublaterns. We, be it Marxist, feminist, or postcolonialist or queer activist, become governing elites. Let us return to reconnect our own people, to the temple, market and festival. Let us return to our mothers and fathers and ancestors. Somehow I have followed my ancestor’s footstep to be on the second or third journey of the west to make friends with my Indian friends since late 1990s. Tang Sanzag whose Han Chinese name is Chen Hui and is on my family genealogy book, unnoticed until last year. And only until recently I have discovered that I was supposed to be in my earlier reincarnation one of the 100 disciples of Guru Rinpoche, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism; I’m the son of India, South Asia or Tianzhu. To run the risk of antagonizing friends and comrades sitting here, following Tagore’s world known reputation to annoy his audiences, let me say this: Indian, Chinese or European did not exist and any form of identity needs to be in check; all have been a result of the modern nation-state. Let us return to the world views and cosmologies embraced by the peasantry. Let us return to our modern thinkers, to Tagore, Tan Yun-shan and Choi Wanshik, who are sitting here and there with us, with love and smiling faces. 

第三世界意味著什麼?How does Third World mean? 


Our team has since 2006 started the “Chen Yingzhen’s Third World” project. How  does Chen Yingzhen’s Third World mean? For me, the Third World a la Chen Yingzhen is the process in which former colonies, semi-colonies, and subcolonies, after gradually getting out from anti-colonial independence wars and civil wars, were immediately (forced to be) involved in the global Cold War regime dichotomized between the capitalist world system and the socialist camp that fought against it from inside. The Cold War standoff on the one hand extended and transplanted the formation of neocolonialism, which resulted in national division in certain regions; on the other hand, it postponed the intellectual, cultural and spiritual reflections in many colonies. Thus, what is situated at the center of the political stage in newly independent nations is economic developmentalism. What the statist strategy of prioritizing industrialization at the expense of agriculture has led to rural-to-urban migration; the readjustment of social relations established through the longue durée of history; and the rupture and disruption of the underprivileged in the midst of material want and spiritual rootlessness. Due to the enormous difference in the local histories in different places, Third World societies and cultures, having been shaped by colonization, decolonization and capitalist liberalization, have distinctly different forms and outlooks (for instance, Chen Yingzhen mentioned the Chinese script as providing the ground on which a decolonized Taiwan rebuilds subjectivity, while many former colonies still have to co-exist or combat with the colonizers’ written language). Hence, besides the imaginary based on “continents” such as Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, and America within the world-historical scope, the Third World is in fact not monolithic, but an infrastructure with diverse and rich alternative reference system. It no longer has to rely solely on Europe and America as the only reference point. Through comparing and referencing with one another, its analysis can grasp and explain its own situation and raison d’etre, or even find the possibility for continual transformation.

除了作為實體想像與參照方法的第三世界外,我們當然不能抹去反帝、反封建的重要歷史過程來理解第三世界的精神,在今天二十一世紀的語境中,它意味著在全球範圍內的連帶與結盟關係,弱勢地區之間的團結,藉以消極防止帝國主義、積極促進世界和平,繼續跟著強權走不過是在深化已經極不平衡的權力關係。也因此,第三世界同時意味著打破以帝國之間霸權更替的舊世界,尋找新世界的運作方式,用好友白永瑞的語言來說,這會是「更民主、更人性、更具主體性的理論與實踐方案」(白永瑞, 2000),這個方案同時在重新思索與超克作為三位一體的帝國主義、資本主義、現代性,對人類所造成的壓迫。在此意義下,本文所關切的第三世界的精神世界,是轉化世界不可或缺的重要資源,要透過那隻第三隻眼才能勇敢透視問題,看到微薄光影的指向。

Besides the Third World as a substantial imaginary and reference, by no means can we understand the Third World spirit at the expense of its significant anti-imperial, anti-feudal histories. In the twenty-first-century environs, it indicates the alliance and coalition at the global level, as well as the solidarity between underprivileged areas, to prevent imperialism from coming back and actively promote world peace. To follow the route of the superpower is nothing more than deepening the already imbalanced power relations. Thus, the Third World also means to shatter the Old World where one imperial hegemony succeeded another, and to find the ways in which the New World functions. In my friend Paik Young-seo’s words, it will be a “more democratic, more humanitarian, and more agential/subjective theory and practice” (Paik 2009: iv). This plan, at the same time, reconceptualizes and overcomes the oppression of human beings by the trinity of imperialism-capitalism-modernity. In this sense, the psychological world in the Third World this article is concerned with is an indispensable crucial source in transforming the world. It is only through that third eye could we bravely see through the questions, and see the where the dim light and shadow point us to.


By now the motivation behind the proposal for BS is hopefully clear: critical ntellectual circle could understand its own Third World attribute, and  not to abandon its Third World attribute and intellectual resources. Maintain the lineage of the Third World imagination, enlarging our extremely narrow object of knowledge, and make the other and oneself more open and diverse. What is more urgent is that, amidst the atmosphere of “the rise of Asia” and “the peaceful rise of China,” to reinsert the Third World historical consciousness into the agenda is precisely because the Sinophone world and the Asian intellectual field cannot only have the existence of the superpowers in their eyes. Rather, we ought to inherit the spirit of Third Worldism, making the minority people and areas the focal point of our concern, reference, and collaboration.

陳映真在 1983年時曾說:「是我們有計畫地去研究,譯介第三世界文學的時候了。」坦白說,我很懷疑今天的中文思想界會積極回應老同志的呼籲,但是為了延續這條微弱的香火,還是得硬著頭皮繼續走,等真的到時候了,接棒跑馬拉松的年輕同志不會是在一片荒蕪中從零開始。

Chen Yingzhen once said in 1983, “It’s time for us to systematically study and translate Third World literature” Frankly speaking, I seriously doubt that the Chinese intellectual circle today will actively respond to the call by the old comrade-in-arm. But in order to continue this dimly lit incense, we still have to brace ourselves to keep walking ahead. When the time comes, our young comrade-in-arms who take over the baton in the relay race will not start from zero in a wasteland.

未來 Future


From the point of view of world history, One Belt, One Road (hereafter OBOR) is a grand project to transform the directions of future world. It’s ideal and its spirit come from the 1955 Bandung Conference (BC). Simply put, the five principles of the peaceful co-existence are the operating thrusts. BC has opened the door for mutual learning and cooperation among the Third World countries. Nevertheless, due to the uneven material conditions, social-political differences, and most critically, imperialist powers’ interventions in the national states via proxy, only few countries (among them, China is one) were capable to insists on the BC principles, the project as a whole has fallen into impasse. After decades of efforts, starting with the four dragons of East Asia, followed by Southeast Asian five tigers, the vitality of the rising Chinese economy has triggered active global changes. At the same time, the emergence of the BRICS, Indonesia, Arabic world, Latin American, especially with the stable development of African continent, has meant the Third World is moving forward to effect structural transformation; the appearance of multiple centers has become a new historical reality. China’s proposal of OBOR is not an isolated instance and has to be understood in this long term historical trajectory, just like Indonesian’s New Marine Times proposal in the SE Asian region. Putting together all these projects have meant that, after long term patient accumulation of energies, Third World countries want to control their own future and via mutual support and solidarity, no longer wanting to be dominated by the imperial powers. It is under such presupposition and understanding we suggest the following issues to be discussed in the second Bandung Conference.


Both historically and structurally belong to the third world. China and the Chinese-speaking world actually share many common experiences with Asia, Africa, and Latin America-anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, nationalism, socialism, internationalism, modernization, Civil war, cold war, famine, refugees, late-comer capital, authoritarian rule, ethnic conflicts, democratic transformation, etc. But it is precisely because of the urgent pressure brought about by these experiences that we lack more active and specific understanding and interaction with these regions, and we cannot establish more diverse references to enrich our self-understanding, positioning and cognition. For the ideological world, the emergence of the "Belt and Road" provides an opportunity to reverse the situation. It must undergo a "third world" ideological turn, re-make up lessons and understand each other, in order to appropriately grasp the historical status quo, and it may also gradually propose to be closer to various places. Realistic demand plan.


In the past social thought resources, such as China’s inherent ideology of Great Harmony, Buddhism all beings are equal and love the world view, socialist egalitarianism, etc., are the beacon that guides the way. Among them, the "Bandung Conference" in 1955 was the first. The three worlds have rare common assets in historical practice.


The Bandung Conference opened the door for the third world to learn and cooperate with each other. However, the material conditions and political and social conditions of various regions are not evenly distributed, and the political and social conditions are too different. What is more important is the intervention and differentiation of powers. The promotion of agents in various countries and regions, except for a few Countries that adhere to the conditions continue to adhere to the Bandung Principles, but the overall plan has stagnated after the 1970s. For China, what is still fresh in my memory is that the leaders of Asia and Africa can break through the blockade and return to the world stage without fear of power. The basic principles of the general idea have been followed so far. 


In the overall situation of this change, based on the current situation, the epidemic has become the first true globalization in global history. The new situation has fully shown that the capital empires of the United States and Western Europe have been sunset, the euro and the dollar are rapidly collapsing, and there is no ability to save the world and the country. Territories must be broken through and full cooperation is needed to curb the bad luck. The sudden emergence of China provides the possibility of an alternative and new world of equality. Whether the principle of equality, reciprocity and mutual support in the Bandung spirit can continue to be a guiding light remains for people with lofty ideals to be serious. Refute. However, we are optimistic and enterprising about the direction of the world. After decades of learning, first the four little dragons of East Asia, then the five little tigers of Southeast Asia, and then the highly improved economic power of China, India, Indonesia, and Africa, which has driven the world. The positive changes of the so-called BRIC countries, the continuous advancement of Indonesia, the Arab world, and the Latin American region, especially the stable development of the African continent, mean that the global situation is facing structural changes, and multiple centers have emerged. At this moment, the inherent collective leadership of the Communist Party of China has become the fundamental mode of cooperation, leading the world to the future. 


The road is rugged, and the future is bright. If it is possible to initiate the second Bandung Conference to bring together important thinkers from all over the world to conduct a deep analysis of the world situation, we believe that only through introspective analysis and sharing, and joint discussion and debate, can we initially point out the "Road of Spices", The "New Ocean Road", "One Belt, One Road" and other joint changes are moving towards a new direction for the earth that is more diverse, equal, open, and peaceful.

二次萬隆會議的倡議 The initiative of a second Bandung Conference


Facing the global crisis brought about by the epidemic, we propose to hold the Second Bandung Conference led by the leaders of the third world countries in Bandung, Indonesia. The previous preparatory meeting should bring together top world thinkers as the core, including absorbing critics, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations (workers, peasants, migrant workers, cultural workers, etc.) who oppose neo-imperialists in Europe and the United States to analyze the state of global changes. Provide and propose the possibility of future world development and supporting measures, and also take this opportunity to jointly start the preparatory work for the global Bandung Academy. The main topics include:

(一)“一帶一路”與全球化4.0  “One Belt, One Road” and Globalization 4.0


Ever since the Great Discovery opening up the page of globalization, world history encountered colonialist globalization 2.0 led by the British (prior to that Spanish, the Portugees, Dutch and French), then 3.0 dominated by the US’s version of its mixing military might with capital, and now has arrived the initial stage of globalization 4.0. According to World Bank, 80% of the global productivity comes from coastal areas (in the zone of inland 100 miles). Such a Westerncentric marine type of globalization exposes the crisis of “partial globalization”; 2008 financial crisis further exposes the short-circuiting of the current political economy. The two poles of extremity cannot be bridged. This section discusses how One Belt, One Road (hereafter OBOR) can articulate and island continent and the coastal see, collaborate with countries of the global south moving through modernization project, so as to shape new mode of global development, and to ensure a new round of global forces and the framework. What can be done to aim at the open type of world economy to be more tolerant globalization. 

(二)“一帶一路”的歷史與政治經濟學 History and Political Economy of OBOR


OBOR predicates on the existing practices, silently transforming the theory of political economy in the process of world development. One of the perspective, shared by the international scholarly community is that, although capital and labor surplus do surface, China’s new economy has the potential to change the economic logics of capitalism dominating the structure of the world, that is, to modify the course of development in a global scale. In reality, the low commodity cost has generated higher living quality; capital investment has created more job opportunities; and diverse state projects have improved infrastructural building. This section focuses on the longue duree process in overcoming the crisis of capitalism. In practices, there merges the general phenomenon of “low salary, low consumption cost, high quality” with the spread of Chinese capital; it has indicated the possible transforming the operating capitalist logics. What is to be done next to articulate ancient civilization and the development of the future world. 

(三)“一帶一路”的合作網絡與模式 OBOR’s Modes of networking and cooperation


OBOR proposes a non-exclusive principles, unlimited to types of nations, and resisting closure, and has the will and desire to work with national and economic entities to produce new modes of international cooperation: negotiation, working together, sharing, with a genuine hope in making the future destiny of world community to share responsibility and interests. This section discusses how to build new modes of network of mutual support and cooperation to supplement one’s strengthen to ease the weakness, via public discussion platform; how to recognize the divisions of labor and divisions of role to play, so that Third World can move forward had in hand.  

(四)“一帶一路”與區域規劃OBOR and regional planning


Since 1990s, globally speaking, blue and green economies enter the express way of development, becoming the new growth point for regional development. OBOR proposes the construction of six economic gateways, pointing toward the five oceanic sea-land articulations and the construction of blue space (???): China-- Central Asia--Russia --Europe (波羅的海); China-- Central Asia-- West Asia-- Persian Gulf -- Mediterranean; China-Southeast Asia—South Asia—Indian Ocean – South Pacific; to promote green development, OBOR will become the show case of a big country that is responsible and fundamentally demanding the prevention of environmental risk in the processes in deepening the cooperation with countries and regions to carry out projects of resources, energies and industry. This section discusses the internal configuration in China, especially the Bay Area, whose economy has become internationally known as one of the model for the coastal cities. Guamgdong, Hong Kong, Macau and its surrounding areas have become the most concentrated axis for development among the cities. Hong Kong – Macau – Shenzhen – Dongwan – Guangzhou –Foshan –Zhongshan, these several pearl cities have become the most functionally equipped, the largest scale of a giant grouping of the cities. The integration of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau have generated huge interests. But under the framework of CEPA (developed within the WTO), there are still barriers for development. The substantial integration and the development of the Bay Area still require larger forces to move forward. The design of OBOR provides a golden opportunity to consolidate the chance for development. “The Vision and Action  Plan for a joint venture of building silk road economic belt and road of 21st century sea silk road” propose: “effectively carryout the Qianhai of Shenzhen, Nansha of Guangzhou, Hengqin of Zhuhai, Pingtan of Fujian open special zone, deepening the cooperation with Hang Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, in order to reshape the making of the Bay Area. This section will focus on the concrete agenda for the making of the Great Bay and its critical relation with the OBOR, including the critical role of Guangzhou.

(五)“一帶一路”與世界史 OBOR and World History

要如拉長歷史來看待一帶一路?特別是擺在世界史的大洪流中,一帶一路能夠推動的歷史動力何在?它是否關乎對於殖民、帝國主義史的反動?放在資本主義發展的軌跡中來看,又要如何理解一帶一路的位置?它實在轉化資本主義,還是後者危機轉進的新方式?它是在鬆動乃至於瓦解歐洲所發明的民族國家?抑或是在強化某些民族國家、弱化其它的民族國家?按照目前的存在態勢、條件與發展方向,它可能會是世界史上的重要轉淚點嗎?從國族史、區域史、反帝的第三世界歷史要如何看待與評價一帶一路?它與1955 萬隆會議有什麼動能關聯?社會主義歷史當初所設定的議程依然是一帶一路的核心構成嗎?本組討論企圖拉長歷史縱深,從地球變動的軌跡來把握一帶一路的意涵。

How do we understand the OBOR in long term historical trajectories? To place it in the river of world history, where can the driving forces of the OBOR? Has it to do with the accumulated density of reaction against the history of colonialism and imperialism? To place it within historical capitalism, how its location can be understood? Is it transforming capitalism or is it a new mode of reconfiguring the capitalist crisis? Looking at the conditions of existence, and the directions of movement, sill OBOR be a critical turning point in world history? How will be OBOR be considered and evaluated from vintage points of nationalist historiography, regional formation and the history of anticolonial struggle of the Third World? What is OBOR’s relation with the 1955 Bandung? Is the agenda set by socialist history embedded in the OBOR? 

萬隆書院的基本構想 Basic ideas of the BS 


  1. 高校結合民間普設萬隆書院
  2. 規劃設立「異次元世界中心」(Another World Center)成為教育的核心
  3. 聯合各界建立「批判性文創實驗(工)場」
  4. 設置「駁議圓桌」(Agon Roundtable,邀請重要思想者,針對現實事件的拉高討論層次,對世界各地社會、政治、文化、經濟問題,進行深入討論,建立具有民間公信力的糾錯機制。

這裏信念是:中國/亞洲崛起的意涵:不在主導世界,而是搭建第三世界的平台,互動、學習中提出世界未來的走向。我們的目的:改造知識構造與氣氛,走向更具解放 性、更平等的世界。我們的思想路線是:以第三世界國際主義思想路線、路徑的提出,取代已經走不下去的毆美中心主義。


得以提出「瓦解殖民地球:一個接地氣的世界思想運動」(Decolonizing the earth)的願景,在於重回萬隆的第三世界國際主義,跟中國大陸重新打開視域想像世界的「一帶一路」的全球性大計劃,也有著某種共振。我們過去近三十年的工作不過是承繼萬隆精神的「一帶一路民間版」。

The proposed integration plan is "a grounded global intellectual movement", which will initiate the establishment of the following institutions under the roof of the Wanyuan Institute in the future: 

  1. BS is established by universities and non-governmental organizations
  2. Planning to establish "Another World Center" to become the core of education
  3. Cooperate with all walks of life to establish a "Critical Cultural and Creative Experiment (Work) Field"
  4. Set up an "Agon Roundtable" (Agon Roundtable, inviting important thinkers to raise the level of discussion in response to real events, conduct in-depth discussions on social, political, cultural, and economic issues around the world, and establish an error correction mechanism with civil credibility .

The belief here is: the meaning of the rise of China/Asia: not to dominate the world, but to build a platform for the third world, and to propose the future direction of the world through interaction and learning. Our goal: to transform the structure and atmosphere of knowledge and move towards a more liberating and equal world. Our ideological line is to replace the US-centrism that has been unable to go on with the proposed ideological line and path of third world internationalism.

The era of "surpassing Britain and catching up with the United States" has already quietly left in terms of material and spiritual aspects. How many high-speed rail lines are there in the United States? Hang zero. Has the almost absurd election of Hillary and Trump really declared a crisis of democratic system and spiritual civilization with party politics as the core? The intellectually scientific worldview is also facing disintegration. The Western medical system based on deductive method has been proved to be not universally applicable. The traditional Chinese medical system formed under the inductive method of thinking emphasizes local customs, historical changes, and implies Isn't it true that a completely different worldview still persists? Folk beliefs that have reached feudal superstitions have not shrunk because of our "modern progress" foreign hegemony. As Nandi said, the temples of the Third World all over the world mean that we are providing multiple choices for the future of the earth. , Face up to the peasant’s life world and its world outlook-human beings are just a part of everything, among which all living beings sheltered by gods are the main household registration system for the people. As intellectuals, we must not continue to indulge in conspiracy with colonial knowledge, and continue to use the "foreign" mind to view the world around us superficially, but to be able to make a sincere desire to reform ourselves and give up the ignorant idea of ​​enlightenment to lead the backward people. The painful lessons learned by the people, return to the lives of the people and learn again, in order to start an ideological movement that disintegrates self-colonization.

The vision of "Decolonizing the Earth: Decolonizing the Earth" (Decolonizing the Earth) was able to come up with the vision of returning to Bandung’s third world internationalism, and reopening the horizons of mainland China to imagine the world’s "One Belt One Road" The global big plan also has some kind of resonance. Our work in the past 30 years is nothing but the "One Belt One Road Private Version" that inherits the Bandung spirit. 

萬院設置的狀況 Current Conditions of the BS initiative























吉隆坡:Jomo K.S., 張永新、魏月萍;黃國富、蘇穎欣執行

檳城:Francis Loh; 張異婷執行

新加坡:蔡明發、Itty Abraham、Kenneth Dean; Jack Qiu



  1. 亞非拉加計畫:藝術工作者互訪、媒體工作者(電視、紀錄片團隊)至亞非拉非洲進行深度訪談、亞洲內部深入訪談報導
  2. 協調成立Council for Social Research in Asia
  3. 開拓計劃:2022年赴非洲、東南亞、東北亞、赴阿拉伯世界、加勒比海、俄羅斯、拉美、歐洲、北,進行參訪連結
  4. 2022年成立Agon Roundtable;配合萬隆成立的BS,推動各地書院開學、異次元文創中心營運
  5. 召開「亞非拉思想界年度會議」
  6. 規劃「Another World Center」招生,初步以碩博士班為主,2023年開始運作
  7. 2023年成立於泉州BS,連結杭州、北京、上海、南京、深圳、廈門、台北、中壢、金門、新竹、香港、京都、東京、首爾、仁川、濟州島、光州、峇里島、吉隆坡、新加坡、日惹、雅加達德里、巴黎、倫敦、舊金山、紐約、柏林、阿姆斯特丹、北歐、阿迪斯巴巴、開羅、坎帕啦、貝魯特、等地,行程全球性網絡(以上各地已經有初步共識

In the Chinese area, in 2015, we initiated the establishment of BS in Tainan, which was combined with folk beliefs and set up in the Sanshan Kings Temple. Due to the shortage of resources, there is no follow-up plan. Since then, Gao Shiming of the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, the project of the Asian, African and Latin American Art Center was imagined and planed, but did not advance it.

With a comeback in 2021 this year, we have organized a 4 month ed the "Chen Yingzhen Third World Study Group”. With the support of the Zhongliu Foundation, it has entered the third phase since July. The members come from both sides of the strait, and more than 100 applicants have signed up.

 In response to the reality of Taiwan, the “Total Critique of Culture/Creative Industry”, organized via Neuro-Net (NN) has been launched to challenge the overall situation. There have been more than 20 sessions done so far, and 50 more will be held in various places in Taiwan, Penghu, Jinma and Matsu. This will combine with local opposition forces to challenge and even overthrow the DPP regime.

Under these conditions, the BS Project is now reintroduced. First, Kuan-hsing Chen’s residences in Baoshan and Tainan, are being re-registerd as organized into public ownershi for the younger generation to take charge of the management. In addition, a group of friends from the social movement, culture, art, and ideological circles decided to buy a 150-200 square meter house next to the Guide Palace in Mucha, Taipei where I grew up, and set up Taipei Bandung College.

The mainland has the Bandung tradition, and it is more capable than other places to set up a wide range of colleges and universities, and at the same time integrate with the folk ideology and belief circles to walk out of the campus. The following only proposes suggestions for the establishment of the BS for the colleges and universities I have communicated with and the friends I have discussed in depth: 

2022 is the planning year, inviting scholars from all over the world to visit, research and teach in colleges and universities, and carry out various activities at the same time:


  1. Asia-Africa-Latin America projec-Carribbean (AALAC)t: exchange visits of art workers, media workers (TV and documentary teams) to Asia, Africa, Latin America and Africa for in-depth interviews, and reports on in-depth interviews within Asia
  2. Coordinate the establishment of the Council for Social Research in Asia
  3. Development plan: in 2022, go to Africa, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, the Arab world, the Caribbean, Russia, Latin America, Europe, North, for visit links
  4. Establish Agon Roundtable in 2022; cooperate with the BS established in Bandung to promote the opening of schools in various places and the operation of different-dimensional cultural and creative centers
  5. Held the "Annual Conference of Asian, African and Latin American Thought Circles"
  6. Planning the enrollment of "Another World Center", initially focusing on master and doctoral programs, and start operations in 2023
  7. Established in Quanzhou BS in 2023, connecting Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Taipei, Chungli, Kinmen, Hsinchu, Hong Kong, Kyoto, Tokyo, Seoul, Incheon, Jeju Island, Gwangju, Bali, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Delhi, Paris, London, San Francisco, New York, Berlin, Amsterdam, Northern Europe, Addis Ababa, Cairo, Kampala, Beirut, and other places, itinerary global network (the above places have a preliminary consensus ) 

異次元中心 AnotherWorldCenter

此中心的設置負責研究教學工作,承續2016年推動整體第三世界行動方案「Another World: Decolonizing the Earth」(異次元世界:瓦解殖民大地),展開各項活動,包括: 

  1. 開辦國際刊物,以Global Bandung 為名,以中英文發行,透過徵稿、講座、論壇、會議、年度講座、左翼訪談舉辦、書系(中英文)出版論壇等,進行、策展、民間串連(廟宇/民間信仰、節慶、
  2. 籌辦「二次萬隆」高峰會議思想會議,匯集思想界、運動圈等意見,提交領導人、智庫、民間團體等高峰會議參考。
  3. 與各地雙年展合作舉辦「亞洲在亞非拉」、「亞非拉在亞洲」、「萬隆藝術文化、思想、學術組織者論壇」等
  4. 2018年「Another World Center」正式招生,碩博士班為主,課程世界史必修,區域史必選至少兩個次區域,其餘按照學生興趣選修,同時與民間思想者合作,指現場授課學習
  5. 編纂「世界當代思想讀本」系列,為基本教材 

This center is set up to be responsible for research and teaching work, continuing the 2016 promotion of the overall third world action plan "Another World: Decolonizing the Earth" (different world: decolonizing the earth), and launching various activities, including: 

  1. Establish an international publication under the name of Global Bandung, published in both Chinese and English, conduct, curate, and conduct non-governmental collaborations through soliciting contributions, lectures, forums, conferences, annual lectures, left-wing interviews, book series (in Chinese and English) publishing forums, etc. Lian (temples/folk beliefs, festivals,
  2. Organize the thought meeting of the "Second Bandung" summit to gather opinions from ideological circles and sports circles, and submit them to the summit meeting of leaders, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations for reference.
  3. Cooperate with biennials in various places to organize "Asia in Asia, Africa and Latin America", "Asia, Africa and Latin America in Asia", "Bandung Art Culture, Thought, Academic Organizer Forum", etc.
  4. In 2018, "Another World Center" will be officially enrolled. Master and doctoral classes are the main courses. The course world history is compulsory. At least two sub-regions of regional history must be selected.
  5. Compiled the "World Contemporary Thought Reader" series as the basic textbook 


  1. 2021十月底前萬隆書院在萬隆書院正式成立,掛牌,成為各地BS的秘書處/總部,其他準備好的地區加入正式成立,為準備好的一籌備處方式掛牌。各地內部展開BS討論,以接地氣聯結各國BS為原則 
  1. 2021/10/1 BS2021開始啟動國際論壇,以學術演講/回應方式世界頂尖思想家來展開;圓桌論壇,以參與BS籌建人員為主,諮詢資深思想者; 
  1. 同時發動以展演形式開啟活動,各地廟宇、音樂、劇場、視覺藝術進行;讀書會,以第三世界思想性小說家作品為中心,帶動對不同地區的歷史認識,形成參照 
  1. 即日起萬隆的萬隆書院總部(BBSH)開始籌組2016年後二次「世界文化論壇」,2022年七月於萬隆召開,藉以推動BS各地成立,同時開始吸納二次萬隆會議的意見 
  1. 2021/21/15前,形成行動研究小組:a 疫情的現在與未來;b 疫情與精神疾病;c 如何在現實中跨越民族國家;d 移工與民族國家;e 批判性數碼研究行動群;f 全球高校評比及其禍害研究組; g 區域共同體與全球政經體制再分配研究組;h 區域性文創產業與思想共同平台研究組;i 防藍光運動組;重新思想農業社會世界觀研究群;世界大轉變中情勢下的社會變革(工農兵、資本、國家、環境、動物等);全球區域發展與一帶一路、新海洋計畫、新絲路計畫等如何整合等 
  1. 2022三月,以高校為基地的BS開始掛牌運作,同時召開二次萬隆會議思想界、民間團體、智庫等論壇 
  1. 2022九月月,由印尼、中國、埃及、印度等國家領導人出面邀請區域政府負責人,召開二次萬隆會議準備會 
  1. 2023一月,各地準備好的BS正式共同招考研究生 
  1. 2023六月,正式召開萬隆會議 

Processes and modes of operation 

  1. By the end of October 2021 BS will be officially established in Bandung, and will become the secretariat/headquarters of BS in various regions. More prepared regions will join the formal establishment, and will be listed as a preparatory office. BS discussions are carried out in various regions, and the principle of connecting the BS of various countries is based on the principle of grounding gas 
  1. On October 1, 2021, BS will start the international forum, which will be conducted by the world's top thinkers in the form of academic speeches/responses; the round table forum will mainly involve the participants in the preparation of BS and consult senior thinkers; 
  1. At the same time, launching activities in the form of exhibitions, temples, music, theaters, and visual arts in various places; book clubs, centered on the works of third-world intellectual minded novelists, driving to beigin the historical understanding of different regions and forming multiple systems of reference 
  1. From now on, the BS Headquarters (BBSH) in Bandung began to organize the second "World Cultural Forum" after 2016, which will be held in Bandung in July 2022 to promote the establishment of BS in various places and start to absorb the second Bandung Conference opinions from the meeting 
  1. Before 2021/21/15, action research teams will be formed: a. The present and future of the epidemic; b. The epidemic and mental illness; c. How to overcome and transform the limits of the nation-states system in reality; d. Migration and beyond the nation-states; e Critical Digital Research Action Group ; F Global University Ranking and Its Harmful Impacts Research Group; g Regional Community and Global Political and Economic System Redistribution Research Group; h Regional Cultural and Creative Industries and Public Platform Research Group; i Anti-Blue Light (Dimlight Movement) Campaign Group; j. Rethinking Agararian Social World View Research Group ; Social reform in the context of the world's great transformation (workers, peasants, soldiers, capitals, local communities, environment, animals, etc.); k how to integrate global regional planning imagination with the Belt and Road Initiative, the New Ocean Plan, and the New Silk Road Project, etc. l What is to be done with future world? To be proposed to the Second Bandung Conference 
  1. In March 2022, the university-based BS began to operate, and the second Bandung Conference forums such as thought circles, non-governmental organizations and think tanks were held at the same time 
  1. In September 2022, leaders of Indonesia, China, Egypt, India and other countries will invite the heads of regional governments to hold the second Bandung Conference preparation meeting 
  1. In January 2023, BS prepared by various places will officially recruit graduate students. 
  1. In June 2023, the Bandung Conference was officially held 

結語 Endnote

理所當然的,萬隆書院啟動的地點在印尼萬隆,我們曾經在當地農運領袖Noer Racumen與現在的文化教育部執行長Hilmar Farid也(是總統內部智庫主席)的邀請下訪問萬隆,根據他們的講法,幾年的準備後,現在他們準備隨時啟動這個計畫。


Of course, BS must be started , Indonesia. We visited Bandung at the invitation of local peasant movement leader Noer Racumen and now General Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Education Hilmar Farid (the chairman of the president’s internal think tank). According to them After several years of preparation, they are now ready to start this project at any time. A second round of World Culture Forum, first done in Bali 2015, is being considered as a step towards organizing the second Bandung Conference

In the past we have put forward in the practice of "Western Heaven" a slogan: When China and India stand together, the world will change. The objective situation to be recognized is: the era of surpassing Britain and catching up with the United States is like a light boat that has passed the ten thousand mountains and reluctantly returns. It’s not just the export of excess capital and labor, but it’s really being able to go hand in hand with partners in the Third World more extensively, after full discussion of drafts, consultations and cooperation, and reaching a consensus on the implementation of the plan. Not only is it a contribution to the rise of China/Asia, it also means that the world has changed.

指南宮萬隆書院募款在即Donation for establishing BS by Guide Palace Zhinan Temple)





陳光興 Kuan-Hsing Chen

 Keboguan Branch


No. 239, Taiwan Avenue, West District, Taichung, Taiwan 403

Swift CTCBTWTP 822 7159


In August 2021, after I met with the owner, Mr. Huang, the talk was very speculative. He was willing to reduce the original price of NT$8.2 million to 7.1 million. Ying Rui; leader of Left culture, well-known director, writer, worker and peasant activist Huang Zhixiang; leader of the labor movement, professor of Nanyi University Wu Yongyi, pioneer of the gay movement, professor of Central University Ding Naifei; leader of labor movement, famous mouth Zhengcun Chess; Xia Linqing, the most influential sports leader on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, a professor at Fu Jen Catholic University, a visiting professor at Beijing Normal University, a well-known critic, Guo Lixin, the dean of the School of Journalism and Communication of the National Chengchi University, the pioneer of media politics and economics, a mountaineer, and Feng Jiansan, a professor at the National Chengchi University, Taiwanese culture Cai Yiling, an independent researcher and campaign organizer; Xu Yahong, a recycling expert and member of the Haibizi Theater, met at the Guide Palace to investigate the 150-200 pings house on the spot. This four-story building does not require any renovations. There are suites on each floor with complete interior decoration. There are two or three hour stone Buddhas, stone tea tables, etc., which are sold together with the house; the view is wide, and there is an ancient pavilion for use outdoors, and the entire Taipei city has a panoramic view. Afterwards, heated discussions arose. In the end, my friend Feng Jiansan suggested that "one person 10,000" raise funds and expand participation in Chen Yingzhen's book club.

     The second phase of the Chen Yingzhen Book Club ended on 9/12. The members have set up a working group to start the operation in Guide Palace and the future plan. The members include: Tong Yongwei (Taipei; video worker in France), Zhuang Shuqing (Taipei; Migration Movement), Wu Sifeng (Yilan; theater), Huang Yunqi (Yilan; theater, small farmers), Cai Yiling (Taipei; NN organizer, independent literature research), Duan Huiming (Taipei; theater worker, dancer, refugee inn owner), Lin Yaqiao (Tainan; society) Yun, National Cheng Kung University doctoral student), Ma Daihan (Shanghai University master student), Xu Ziyi (Hangzhou Gome doctoral student), Mei Zhixian (Beijing; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences doctoral student). 

I have personally paid a deposit of 110,000 yuan, and the extension of my commitment with the owner is September 24 as the deadline. The funds must be in place. If one is willing to support this project, please send it I before 12 noon on September 24: 


Chen Guangxing Kuan-Hsing Chen

China Trust Bank CTBC Bank

Keboguan Branch Keboguan Branch

No. 239, Section 2, Taiwan Avenue, West District, Taichung City, 403

No. 239, Taiwan Avenue, West District, Taichung, Taiwan 403

Swift CTCBTWTP 822 7159

No. 59, Lane 168, Baoshan Water Circuit, Hsinchu 30845, Taiwan    

簡介 Autobio

自稱萬隆份子的思想運動組織者,陳光興(Kuan-Hsing Chen)是新竹亞太/文化研究中心負責人,曾任教於紐約市立大學皇后學院、新竹交通大學、清華大學,並於加州大學柏克萊分校、延世大學、北京清華大學、新加坡國立大學(二次四年)、上海大學、嶺南大學、烏干達Makerere大學、美國杜克大學、東京大學、九州大學、立民館大學、密西根大學、加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校、曼谷朱拉隆功大學、印度社會與文化研究中心等重要學府任訪問教授,已在未來三年應聘為牙買加西印度大學、伊斯坦堡Bilgi大學、烏干達Makerere大學、京都大學等。他的近期著作包括《陳映真的第三世界:五十年代左翼份子的昨日今生》(2015)、《去帝國──亞洲作為方法》(2006)。有(2011)《脱 帝国 方法としてのアジア》,丸川哲史譯,東京:以文社;Asia as method: towards Deimperialization (Duke University press, 2010),《去帝國──亞洲作為方法》(2006)、《帝國之眼》(2003,首爾:創批,韓文版)、《媒體/文化批判的人民民主主逃逸路線》(1992);共同編有Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies (1996)、Trajectories: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (1998)、《瓦解殖民世界:非洲思想家Mahmood Mamdani讀本》(2016),《陳映真:思想與文學》(2011),《白樂晴──分斷體制.民族文學》(2010),《重新思考中國革命──溝口雄三的歷史方法分》(2010)、《異議──台社思想讀本》(2008)、 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Reader (2007)、《Partha Chatterjee 講座: 發現政治社會:國家暴力、現代性與後殖民民主》(2000)。近年來,他參與推動「西天中土──印中社會思想對話」(2010-)與「亞洲現代思想計畫」(2012-),近年來,他參與推動「西天中土──印中社會思想對話」(2010-)與「亞洲現代思想計畫」(2012-),成立亞際書院,任創院理事長,於上海雙年展策展「2012亞洲思想界上海論壇」與「亞國際雙年展」(2014-),於亞洲各地組織「2015萬隆/第三世界六十年」系列論壇(2015-7)。他目前正參與推動「瓦解殖民大地:一個接地氣的世界思想運動」方案,以在世界各地普設萬隆書院為方法,試圖因應數碼時代中知識與思想的重建;在台灣2021年啟動Neuro Netwk (NN 精神網),以「文創總批判」。他是《台灣社會研究季刊》的成員,Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements國際刊物共同主編與《人間思想》刊的共同主編,曾經製作。他是作家、編輯、收藏家、文化組織折、策展人、卡拉OK歌手、iPhone攝影師、藏傳佛隨緣弟子。


A self-proclaimed Bandungist intellectualmovement organizer, Kuan-Hsing Chen is the head of the Hsinchu Asia-Pacific/Cultural Research Center. Taught in Queens College (New York City University), Yonsei University, Beijing Tsinghua University, National University of Singapore (two four years), Shanghai University, Lingnan University, Makerere University in Uganda, Duke University, University of Tokyo, Kyushu University, Liminkan University, University of Michigan, Visiting professors at important institutions such as the University of California Santa Cruz, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, and the Center for Social and Cultural Studies in India. He has applied for the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, Bilgi University in Istanbul, Makerere University in Uganda, and Kyoto in the next three years. University etc. His recent books include "Chen Yingzhen's Third World: The Leftist's Yesterday and This Life in the 1950s" (2015) and "Going to Empire-Asia as a Method" (2006). Yes (2011) "The Method of Deimperialization and Deimperialization", translated by Tetsushi Marukawa, Tokyo: Ibunsha; Asia as method: towards Deimperialization (Duke University press, 2010), "Deimperialization-Asia as a Method" (2006), "Eye of Empire" (2003, Seoul: Critical, Korean version), "The Escape Route of the People's Democrats Criticized by Media/Cultural" (1992); co-edited by Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies (1996), Trajectories: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (1998), "Disintegration of the Colonial World: African Thinker Mahmood Mamdani's Reader" (2016), "Chen Yingzhen: Thought and Literature" (2011), "Bai Leqing-Breaking the System. National Literature” (2010), “Rethinking the Chinese Revolution: Yuzo Mizoguchi’s Historical Methodology” (2010), “Dissent-Taiwan Society Thought Reader” (2008), Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Reader (2007), “Partha Chatterjee Lecture: Discovering Political Society: National Violence, Modernity and Postcolonial Democracy" (2000). In recent years, he has participated in the promotion of "Western Tianzhongtu-India-China Social Thought Dialogue" (2010-) and "Asian Modern Thought Project" (2012-). In recent years, he has participated in promoting "Western Tianzhongtu-India-China Society" "Ideological Dialogue" (2010-) and "Asian Modern Thought Project" (2012-), established the Asian International Academy, served as the chairman of the founding academy, and curated the "2012 Asian Thoughts Shanghai Forum" and "Asia International" at the Shanghai Biennale "Biennale" (2014-), organized the "2015 Bandung/Sixty Years of the Third World" series of forums (2015-7) throughout Asia. He is currently participating in the promotion of the "Disintegration of the Colonial Land: A Grounded World Ideological Movement", which uses the universal establishment of Bandung College in all parts of the world to try to respond to the reconstruction of knowledge and ideas in the digital age; launching Neuro-Net in Taiwan in 2021 (NN Spirit Network), based on "General Criticism of Cultural and Creative Industries." He is a member of the "Taiwan Social Studies Quarterly", the co-editor of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements and the co-editor of "Human Thoughts". He has produced. He is a writer, editor, collector, cultural organization, curator, karaoke singer, iPhone photographer, and disciple of the Tibetan Buddhst.

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